Showing posts with label FAQs-2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FAQs-2. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Q. What is change request and task? What was your task no.? I need an example or a task no. that is being used in your project to clear few things in my mind?
A.The Change Request is that request when you do some thing new in customizing or configuration in the system. The system will automatically pop with the change request pop box , when you can give request name as defined by the system or can give your own request name with heading of what changes you have made while customization. The system will generate a request number and you save it. (e.g.:- VEDK-2785467) VEDK- means the Clients System name then followed by the system generated request number.

Now when you want to release the request you have to use the T-code SE10 where you can see the requests under the heading modifiable or released. Go to the modifiable option. Each request will have again an internal request number. First you have to release the internal request and then release the external request number. This will in turn released by the basis guys thru the T-code SM64 in a group when all the requests are pooled from different users.

The task which you have mentioned in your question is nothing but the what task you have performed while customizing the client system and the heading name which have given it for that task and generated a request for that task.

Q. What is your client Number in the project? Like how we have 800 for IDES?

A. Generally like IDES client, when you are in the project, the client is also given a number called client number. So while implementing a project The entire implementation is done under phases and in different Client no Servers.
e.g.:-take a company called ABC which is implementing SAP.
So the Client is given a number in the following manner by the SAP Implementers at the site
291- Sand Box server (Initial Testing scenarios Server)

292- Development Sever (With client data of minimum 15 days transactions)
294- Testing Server (the scenarios developed in development server is tested here)
295- Golden Master Server (Quality cum Testing Server) - checked finally before transferring to production server
296- Production Server (where the clients live data is stored and daily business transactions are done)