Showing posts with label Batch Dete.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Batch Dete.. Show all posts

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Some Light on Batch Determination

On batch determination, the whole process, how it is determined automatically in the order.

A1) Normaly we use batch determination at delivery level, because at the time of order material may or may not be created.for this material should be configured with batch and batch determination should be checked in sales views of material.

A2) Batch Determination during order Creation.
For this you need to maintain a Classes d for you Material. Depending on the Manufacturing process you can define the characteristics for your material.

Ex: Purity for Medicines, Resistance for Electric Items.

You need to create a class (You might have to create a new class type) which incorporates the characteristic.

First Create the Characteristic Using Ct04 and then using Cl02 create the Class including this characteristic.

Then in your material master Classification View Enter this class.

Then Create a Batch for the particular plant and Stor Loc using MSC1N.Give the value of the characteristics in this batch.

Then go to SPRO ->Logistics General ->Batch Management and maintain the Condition Technique (Procedure, Strategy Types and assignment to sales docs etc).

Then Create the Batch Determination Record using VCH1.
