Sunday, December 16, 2007

Q. Can Sales Order and Billing Have Different Pricing?

Yes, can have 2 different pricing procedures

1. One for Sales Order

2. Another at the Billing

Let us take an example :

Generally in the Pharma industry this procedure is adopted because all the goods are batch price based.

1. In the Pharma Industry whenever the goods are manufactured it will done in a batch to keep track and price is fixed, I mean there will be a Batch Master which has a certain price fixed for it. This Batch Master will have certain number of batches . These batches will have the number series generated wither by internal or external generation depending upon the client requirement

2. So till all the batches are produced as per that particular Batch Master will have the same price. Like that there will n number of batches will different prices

3. So when you are preparing Sales Order you be only putting the tentative price for the goods that are sold

4. Then at the time of delivery we will be picking up the goods from different batches basing on the required delivery quantity and finally we do the PGI.

5. This is called Delivery Based Pricing because your price for the goods will be determined at the time of the delivery as the goods picked up from the different batches which have different prices. ( Mind it there will very less difference in the prices).

6. So at the time of Billing the Pricing Procedure behaves differently depending upon the different batches that are picked basing on the batch determination.

7. So the prices which are determined from different batches will be the actual prices at which the goods are billed to the customer along with other condition that are applied as required.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Q. Steps To Setup Collective Billing in SD

Collective Billing

Configuration steps:-

  • Transaction VD02 - Change Customers - tick Billing and filled in the Customer Code, Sales org., Distr.channel and Division then hit enter.
  • Look for field name Inv.list sched. - you must filled in the Factory Calendar that you are currently using.
  • You can simulate the collective billing in transaction VF04 - Process Billing Due List.

During simulation, if the billings cannot be combine, the system will give you this message,

Different header fields $000000001 $000000002
Combination criteria in the billing xxxxxxxxxxxx123 xxxxxxxxxxxx125

Criteria to satisfy for collective billings:-

  • Billing document type is the same.
  • Reference document type is the same.
  • Item category in the reference document is the same.

The system combines into one billing document all transactions for the same customer and same billing data. If the header data and the header partners for the specified deliveries or sales orders are identical and if the requirements for splitting do not apply, one billing document is created for all the deliveries or sales orders.

The Following illustrates an example. The system determines that deliveries 1 and 2 had the same bill-to party, and therefore combines the deliveries in one billing document.

Delivery Order 1 - |

-----------> Invoice

Delivery Order 2 - |

EDI Configuration Phase

"Once your design has been thoroughly thought through, and project management approval has been achieved the detailed configuration can commence. Prior to this phase some configuration work may have been done to determine the best way to achieve your desired goal. To configure EDI in SAP you can utilize numerous settings and programs to configure the solution in a multitude of ways. We document a few for you to browse through below."

This section describes how to proceed with the implementation of an EDI solution. The selected EDI mapping tool will also determine the details of some of the steps that has to be followed.

Install EDI mapping tool

The selected EDI mapping tool has to be installed and tested for technical correctness.

Environment control

The selected EDI mapping tool should be set up to allow users to log onto and use the system. This steps also includes the configuration that has to be done on the EDI mapping tool for each trading partner. This step will be repeated when new trading partners are added.

EDI mapping

This step is dependent on the actual EDI mapping tool selected, but certain concepts has to be considered and followed nevertheless.

Mapping defines the relationship between an application data set and a target EDI standard, and vice versa. Mapping is usually divided into two phases: application definition and transaction mapping. In application definition, you determine what your application data set looks like. In transaction mapping, you tell the mapping tool how to map the data from application to EDI standards (and vice versa). Transaction mapping defines the relationship between data fields in your application and EDI data elements.

Generic templates or mapping tool specific templates should be used for this task.


Communication involves the actual sending and receiving of data to and from your trading partners. The way communication works is dependent on the EDI mapping tool and the communication technicalities selected.

Prepare Scheduling

The scheduling requirements for EDI communication and processing as defined during the planning/design phase of the implementation should be implemented. The tools selected and the functionality they provide will determine the implementation details. This includes things like scheduling communications sessions and mapping jobs.

General command field formats


Skip to the next record if you are processing one batch input session


Cancel a batch input foreground process


Close all R/3 sessions and logoff


Call the transaction xxxx in the same session


Generate a session list


Call the transaction xxxx in an additional session


Delete the current session


Turn the debug mode on


Reset all buffers (for System Administrators)


Synchronize instances buffers (for System Administrators)

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Create Purchase Order ME21N


Use this procedure to create a Purchase Order. While there are many different types of Purchase Orders that can be created (using different document types) this document addresses the following types:

Standard PO

Use this document type (NB) to procure standard Catalog and Non-Catalog materials. This document type is subject to an approval release strategy depending on total dollar value.

Stock Transport Order
Use this document type (UB) to create a Purchase Order where the supplying vendor is another DTE plant. This document type is subject to an approval release strategy depending on total dollar value.

Emergency Purchase Order
Use this document type (ZEPO) to create an emergency Purchase Order. This document type is not subject to an approval release strategy.

Consignment Purchase Order
Use this document type (ZCON) to create a vendor consignment Purchase Order. This document type is subject to an approval release strategy.

Vendor Managed Inventory Purchase Order (ZVMI)
Use this document type (ZVMI) to create a Purchase Order for materials subject to Vendor Managed Inventory. This document type is subject to an approval release strategy.

This document demonstrates how to create a Standard Purchase Order for both a Catalog item and a Non- Catalog item. Please note that the screens and field selection for an Emergency Purchase Order and a Consignment Purchase Order are identical to that of a Standard PO. When creating a Stock Transport Order, the only difference is that the “Vendor” field becomes the “Supplying plant” field.

Menu Path

Use the following menu path(s) to begin this transaction:

· Logistics >> Materials Management >> Purchasing >> Purchase Order >> Create >> ME21N - Vendor/Supplying Plant Known


1. Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code ME21N.

2. Perform one of the following:
If Go To You are going to create a Purchase Order manually from scratch Step 9
You are going to create a Purchase Order with reference to a Requisition, an existing Purchase Order, a Quote, etc. Next step

3. Click Document overview on

4. Click the button.

5. Select the type of document from which you wish to create the Purchase Order.

7.The data will display based on the criteria you entered. When you have found the correct document you can click on the document to adopt the entire document or you can just click on one of the line items if you only want to adopt the data from one line item.

Click the Adopt button once you have highlighted the document (or specific line item) you wish to use to create your Purchase Order. The Purchase Order will populate the fields it is able to from the document you selected. Make sure you validate all of the data that is pulled over in the following steps.

9. At the Header level, complete/review the following fields:

Field Name Standard PO (Document Type)


Identifier allowing differentiation between the different kinds of purchase orders in the SAP system. From the drop-down menu select the proper document type.

Example: Standard PO

Field Name Vendor


Description Number and name of the vendor (external supplier) or supplying plant from which the materials are to be procured. Enter the vendor number and both the name and number will display.

Example: 800089

If you are doing a Stock Transport Order (by choosing Document Type “Stock transport ord.”), note that the main difference between it and a regular purchase order is that the “Vendor” field becomes the “Supplying plant” field. In stock transfer processing, goods are procured and supplied within a company. One plant orders the goods internally from another plant (receiving plant/issuing plant). The goods are procured with a special type of purchase order - the stock transport order.



Understanding Material Determination

Assigning Procedures to Sales Document Types:

In this step, we would assign the above procedure to Sales Order document type.

Go to Transaction OV14 or go to Transaction SPRO -> Reference IMG -> Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Material Determination -> Assign Procedures to Sales Document Types (As shown in the screenshot below)

Scroll down the list for the order “OR” (Standard Order)

Now to maintain the substitution reasons:

Go to Transaction OVRQ.

In this screen, you can maintain the substitution reasons.

Maintaining Materials for substitution:

Go to Transaction VB11 or follow the navigation shown in the screenshot below:

Enter the condition type in the above screen and click on Enter.

Maintain the substitution material information and click on Save.


To test the condition records, let us go to transaction VA01 or VA02:

In the above screenshot, we have entered the material T-F299. Now press ENTER.

In the above screenshot, you can observe that the material is automatically converted from T-F299 to T-F499.



Understanding Material Determination

Following list appears:

For our demo purpose, we would go ahead with this condition table.

Go back to the earlier screen.

Now click on “Maintain access sequences”. Access sequence is a sequence of steps SAP follows in order to obtain the condition record.

Select A001 and click on “Accesses”

In the above screenshot, the first field “No” is the access number. The access number is the order in which the system will read the access sequence. For e.g., if the access numbers are 5,10,12,15 and 20, then the system would start with the lowest entry (in this case it is 5). It would proceed further to 10 if it is not able to process 5. If no record found, then no material determination would be carried out.

Select the record and click on Fields.

Now let us check out the Condition Types available. Go back to the earlier screen and click on “Define condition types”. Following screen appears:

Now let us check out the procedures configured in the system:

Select a procedure and click on control data.


Understanding Material Determination

Material Determination is a technique to determine the material to be used in the Sales Order. For e.g.,

  1. Substituting one Material to another in the Sales Order.

  2. Special gift-wrapping of a material for a festive season.

  3. Swapping customer’s material number to our own material number.

To configure the Material Determination:

Go to SPRO -> Reference IMG -> Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Material Determination -> Maintain Prerequisites for Material Determination (As shown in the screenshot below):

We would go by step-by-step for the Material determination.

The first step is “Maintain field catalog”. This screen can also be accessed from the transaction OV26.

Field catalog contains fields used by the system to determine substitution materials in the Material Determination procedure. Click on “Maintain field catalog” in the screenshot above. Following screen appears:

For our demo purpose, we would work on only MATNR (Material Number). Scroll down the list to find the field MATNR.

Click on Backspace and come back to the main screen:

Click on “Display Condition tables”

Use F4 help to select a table.

Select 001 from the list and press Enter.


SAP SD Interview Questions And Answers

What is the purpose of text determination, account determination, partner determination, output determination, storage location determination


Text determination: For transferring information from material or customer to order/delivery or invoice (and anything in between)

Account determination: For transferring financial and costing information to proper financial docs

Partner determination: For determining who is is legally responsible for A/r, who the goods are going to and whatever else you waana drive through this functionality.

Output determination: What kinda output does a sales/delivery/billing document create and who gets it, where?. For example A partner might get an EDI notification for a sales order just confirmed, whereas a financial/leasing company gets the invoice!


(a) Text Determination: Any Texts in Masterial Master/Material Determination/Order/Delivery , etc is meant to convey messages to the subsequent documents for compliance. e.g. "Give Top Priority" message mentioned in Order is meant for Production Dept.

(b) Account Determination:is integration between Finance and SD. The A/P along with Account Keys need to be allocated accordingly with combination of Account Determination Group for Customer and Material if required.

(c) Partner Determination: To identify which type of Partner it is so that if required for same Customer different Partner Functions may be required e.g Only One Sold To Party per Customer. More than One Ship to Party/ Bill to Party/ Payer possible. Accordingly different Masters will have to be created. Useful for dispatch of Material in casae of Ship to Party, sending Bill in case of Bill to Party and payment followup/Dunning in case of Payer.

(d) Output Determination: What type of Output (Fax/Mail, etc) is required, where and in what Format(ABAP Customisation may be required in some cases especially Invoices).

(e) Storage Location Determination: depends on Plant, Shipping Point and Storage Conditions

What are the five imp fields to be maintained in account determination

Account Determination: Sales View, Sales Organization, Distribution Chanel, Chart of Accounts, Account Assignment Group for Customer and Material and Account Keys.

What is meant by transfer of data from legacy code to sap Legacy Code ?


It should be legacy data to SAP. What it means is you want to transfer all the customer and materials and all other information from Older (legacy system) to new SAP system. You can do it using many tools, most noticeably MDMs.


Before installation of SAP, Data maintained by Company is called Legacy Data. At the time of installation, it is required to transfer Data from Legacy to SAP like Masters (Material/Customer, etc). It can be done in various ways like BDC, LSMW, etc.

What do you do really in pricing determination, and what are the main deifferences between pricing procedures?


Pricing is determined by combination of Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division, Customer Pricing Procedure and Document Pricing Procedure.


We determine how the prices are calculated, taking into account sales area(sales org, distribution channel, division), document type and customer(generally sold-to-party).

The main differences between pricing procedures would be the differences as we mentioned above, from the point of view of field entries. Coming to the output and the procedure, Suppose the condition types used will be different and hence the following whole procedure. One pricing procedure determination to the others, which data control these differences

What type of reports generally a support consultant maintain and report

Depends on Customer requirements.

What is the purpose of shipping point determination not menu path

So that Shipping Point is determined automatically once the settings for the same are done.

What and where types of copy controls we change

Copy Control: is basically meant so that Data is copied from preceding Document to subsequent one. What subsequent Document is required is to some extent determined by Customer Requirements as well as Document Types. e.g. In general case of Standard Order, it will be Copy Control (Order to Delivery) from OR to LF .

How to and where to maintain copy controls

Check for yourself in IMG (Sales Document types and Delivery Document Types)

What is purpose of maintaining common distribution channels and common

Common Distribution Channel and Common Division are maintained so that if any master data like customer or material maintained with respect to one distribution channel can be used in other DCh. It prevents the multiplication of master records.

Eg: A customer is created for say sales area 1000/20/00 then the same customer can be used in sales area 1000/30/00 if we maintain 20 as common distribution channel. Hence no need for extending the customers...the same for materials also.

What is the difference between the Availability check 01 (Daily requirement) and 02 (Individual Requirement) in material master?

01 and 02 are the checking group. Availability check is carried out with the help of these checking group and checking rule. Checking group 01 and 02 are maintained on the material master.

01 - Individual requirement -For this system generates transfers the requirement for each order to the MRP .So that MM can either produce or procure.

02- Collective requirement.-In this all the requirements in a day or in a week are processed at a time. System stores all request and passes on to the MRP in MRP run. In this system performance is high however you can not do the backorder processing whereas in other you can do.
