Sunday, September 9, 2007


Billing Spilt by Item Category

Is it possible to split invoice Item category wise. I mean If in sales order there is TAN and TANN then the invoice should split,is it possible?

Yes, it is possible. Create a modification of copy control routine for billing and use VBAP-PSTYV as an additional split criteria there.

Thank you for your reply. Can you please tell me the exact steps what should I add under that(additional split criteria).

In trx VTFA (if your billing is sales order based) choose your billing type and SO type, there select your item categories and there select the field VBRK/VBRP data. In that field you will see the currently used routine. With the help of your ABAP guy create a copy of that routine under a different number and add your lines of code. Let's say you use routine 001.


* Header data
* VBRK-xxxxx = ............
* Item data
* VBRP-xxxxx = ............
* Additional split criteria

MODUL(3) VALUE '001',



This is how it should look after modification:

* Header data
* VBRK-xxxxx = ............
* Item data
* VBRP-xxxxx = ............
* Additional split criteria

MODUL(3) VALUE '001',



After this routine is created and activated place it as the default copy control routine instead of the old ones.


SAP Billing - Combine Billing for deliveries with different date

When using transaction VF04 or Billing (background), the date of the billing document (e.g. the current date) must be entered (In VF04 : settings, default data.)

In VF06 or background: variant with parametrization) to avoid an unwanted split due to the billing date.

This OSS notes is very helpful :-

11162 - Invoice split criteria in billing document

36832 - Invoice split in fields from the sales order


Billing Plan for Milestone Billing

Milestone billing means distributing the total amount to be billed over multiple billing
dates in the billing plan.

As each milestone is successfully reached, the customer is billed either a percentage of
the entire project cost or simply a pre-defined amount.

During sales order processing, the system determines from the item category whether a
billing plan is required and, if so, which type of plan

The type of billing plan that is determined at this point is set up in Customizing and
cannot be changed in the sales document.

Billing plans for periodic billing and milestone billing plans for project-related milestone
billing have different overview screens so that you can enter data relevant to your

For example, for milestone billing, you must be able to enter data to identify the
individual milestones.

IMG configuration requires :-

1. Maintain billing plan types for milestone billing in OVBO.

2. Define date description in SM30 - V_TVTB.

3. Maintain Date Category for Billing Plan Type IN OVBJ.

4. Allocate date category in SM30 - V_TFPLA_TY.

5. Maintain date proposal for Billing Plan Type in OVBM.

6. Assign Billing Plan Type to Sales Documents Type in OVBP.

7. Assign Billing Plan Type to Item Categories in OVBR.

8. Define rules for determining the date in OVBS.

Milestone billing is typically used for billing projects, such as plant engineering and
construction projects. Such projects often include a series of milestones that mark the
completion of different stages of the work. In the SAP R/3 System, milestones are defined
in a network along with planned and actual dates for the completion of work. The milestones
are also assigned to the billing dates in the billing plan.

Each milestone-related billing date is blocked for processing until the Project System
confirms that the milestone is completed.

Delivery-relevant order items for which a milestone billing plan applies are billed on the
basis of the requested delivery quantity and not on the total of the confirmed quantities.

The connection between the project and the sales document item is made in the individual
schedule lines of the item. Each schedule item can be assigned to a network in a project.

To display the project-related data for a schedule line, proceed as follows:

In one of the overview screens of the sales document, select

1. Item -> Schedule lines.
2. Mark the schedule line and select Procurement details.

The following figure shows an example of milestone billing where only the Contract have
been billed :

Order Item Turbine 100,000

Billing Plan

Billing date Description % Value Billing Block Milestone Billing Status
01-10-94 Contract 10 10,000 - x x
01-03-95 Assembly 30 30,000 x x
01-04-95 Maintenance 30 30,000 x x
01-05-95 Acceptance 30 30,000 x x
01-06-95 Final invoice .. .. x


Milestone Estimate Actual
Assembly 01-03-95 01-03-95
Maintenance 01-04-95
Acceptance 01-05-95

For each billing date in a milestone billing plan, you can specify whether the billing
date is:

1. fixed
2. always updated with the actual date of the milestone
3. updated with the actual date of the milestone, if the date is earlier than the
planned billing date for the date


Billing Block will not worked if you did not assign it

Define the possible block indicators in SM30 - V_TVFS


allocate them to the billing types concerned in SM30 - V_TVFSP.

Your Billing Block will not worked if you did not assigned it to the desired billing types.

You can auto block by :-

1. sales document type in transaction VOV8, fields Billing Block,


2. item categories in SM30 - V_TVAP, by filling the fields Billing Block.


Steps for creating a new or changing an existing Billing Document Types

Create/Change your Billing types configuration in VOFA.

Some of the IMG stuff are :-

1) To block automatic transfer of the billing document to accounting, mark the field.
Indicates whether the system blocks automatic transfer of the billing document to

During document processing, you can manually transfer blocked billing documents to
accounting by selecting:

Billing -> Change -> Release accounting

2) Account determination procedure

3) Output determination procedure etc. ...

After customizing, use transaction VCHECKVOFA to check your configuration :-

1) Proforma billing types: If it is a proforma billing type, (VBTYP = U), the field must
be blank and the account determination procedure must be empty.

2) Cancellation billing document types: : A check is made to see if the cancellation
billing document type has the right VBTYP. An F2 invoice, for example, (VBTYP 'M')
can only be canceled with billing type S1 with VBTYP 'N' . A billing type with
VBTYP '5' can only be canceled with the VBTYP '6' and vice versa.

3) Cancellation billing document type partner functions A check is made to see if the
cancellation billing document type partner functions are empty or if those that
correspond to the billing type used are empty.

Next, make sure that you maintain the copy control for the Billing Types:

Sales documents in VTFA

Target Source
e.g. F1 - Invoice OR - Standard Sales Order
F1 - Invoice ZOR - Your Sales Order

Billing documents in VTFF
e.g. G2 - Debit Memo F1 - Invoice
G2 - Debit Memo F2 - Invoice

Deliveries in VTFL
e.g. F1 - Invoice LF - Delivery
F1 - Invoice ZOR - Your Delivery

Usually for copy control, you let the rest of the settings remains as SAP defaults.

You only assign the new Billing Document Types.

After that use transaction VCHECKTVCPF to check your Copy control customizing.


Condition Exclusion which will be determined in the billing document

The system can exclude conditions so that they are not taken into account during pricing.

For example:

Material 4711 costs 150 USD. Some customers receive a discount of 10 USD per 100 pieces.

However, a specific customer can buy the material for 100 USD. Since this is a particularly good price, the customer should not also have a discount of 10 USD per 100 pieces. Therefore, this discount is to be excluded from pricing.

To create a condition exclusion procedure which will be determined in the billing document.

Assign the procedure to the pricing schema, and maintain copy control so that pricing is not copied from Sales Order.

To achieve this, copy the standard pricing to a ZXXXX Pricing.

Define new document pricing procedure in SM30 - V_TVKV for billing.

Assign new document pricing procedures to billing types in SM30 - V_TVFK_PR

Define the Condition Exclusion Groups in OV31.

Assign the Condition type for the Condition Exclusion Groups in OV32.

Assign the Billing Pricing Procedure in VOK8 for the Condition Exclusion Groups.

When billing document is being created just enter manually your new price and the pricing program logic will include only the higher price one, excluding the rest that are lower price.


Billing cannot be Release to Accounting

This SAP message will appear if the system is unable to find the G/L codes match from the configuration in transaction VKOA

No account is specified in item 0000001001
Message no. F5 670


No account was specified for account type "S" in item "0000001001" of the FI/CO document.

System Response

The Financial Accounting program cannot process the document.


A system error has probably occurred in the application you called up. Check the data transferred to item "0000001001" of the FI/CO document.

Assuming that one of the key combination is Account Assignment Group, you will have to check whether have the Account Assignment Group been input in the Customer Master (Billing tabstrips - Accounting sections - Field name: Acct assgmt group).

The Account Assignment Group will be copied automatically into the sales order.

Check whether the configuration in transaction VKOA have been done correctly.

Check whether the sales order (VA03 - Goto - Header - Financial Accounting - Field name: AcctAssgGr) have been filled in automatically.

Check whether the billing document (VF03 - Goto - Header - Header - Field name: AcctAssgGr) have been filled in automatically.

If the customer master have not been maintained and the user have already input the sales order, then the user will have to maintained the Account Assignment Group manually either in the sales order or the billing documents.

Take note for One Time Customer, the user have to input the Account Assignment Group manually into the sales order. One Time Customer can be used by many customer, therefore, the system will not be able to determine the Account Assignment Group manually.


Default Start Variant for VF04

There are two types of variant in VF04.

One is the selection variant before clicking the Display Billing List Button.

You can set the start variant via SE93 using the Change mode.

The second variant is the Billing Layout display variant.

This is after clicking the Display Billing List Button.

After creating your layout display variant, you can set it by clicking :-

Display Variant
-> Administration

Select the layout display variant you want and click :-

Define default settings

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sales Order Mass Change

I am a SAP SD consultant and recently faced with two new terms, mass order change and ALV , I also need to know about the transaction code.

There is transaction MASS which can be used to carry out mass changes in the sales order and other objects.

Mass Maintenance: (Use to change multiple fields in multiple documents at the same time). I have done mass change for customers; and orders should work the same way too.

1) Try t-code [MASS] and select sales orders & execute

2) Choose the table or tables for your selection criteria and also for fields you want to change.

Then execute. (suppose your selection criteria fields are from "sales order header data" table and the field you want to change, is in "item data" table)

3) Put in the sales documents(21000000, 21000001) you want to change and also the items(10) you want to change.

- click on " choose selection fields" button
- From the Pool, move the fields you want to the "select fields" using arrows.

4)From mass maintenace menu, click on "Enter new field values"

-click on "sales order item data" tab and choose the field you want to change.
(for example. I want to change plant for item 10)
-enter the new value (of the plant to be)
-click on "Adopt" and execute

5)In "sales order item data" tab, you see the new value of the plant you entered at the top and the old values of item 10 are below.

-click on "change field values" button. you see all the old values are changed to new values.
Note: it will take some time depending on how many records you have.
Check: Go to [SM37] and see the status of the job you are running and once finished, export the spool file to a spreadsheet.
Before you do mass maintenance, go to the particular table in [se16] and get the results. Then do the mass maintenance and compare the results with this one. If they match, then you are good to go.

Note: If you have any user exits that affect the results, ask them to deactivate the MODCHECKS still you are done with mass maintenance & activate them again.

Is there a way to change the billing date on a ton of sales orders with same old billing date to a same new billing date?

This can be done using the mass transaction:

Transaction: MASS
Object Type: BUS2032
Tables: SD Document: Business item data
Sel Field: Billing Date (MASSSDHE and MASSSDPO)
- Or you can just select by document numbers (May be more efficient)
Execute - List will be provide for changes

Sel Chg Fld: Billing Date
Set new billing date value in the New Values field
Click on lower billing date column
Click on Carry out a Mass Change button
Click on Save button

Suggestion is to test this on a few orders in your development system to get a feel on how this works before applying this to any production data. MASS is a very powerful tool.

I have 100000 sales orders whith an incorrect price and I would like to do a massive condition update with pricing type "B" (Carry out new pricing). Is there a transaction or program for this?

Go to VA05 execute the report. Select all sales orders you want to update the price, Go to the Menu EDIT --> MASS Change ---> New Pricing. System will display all the re-pricing options. Select B. It will re-price all the sales orders.

You can try for one or two order initially check the results and if it is OK, then you can do for others.

Release strategy for Sales order

Is it possible to have release strategy for sales order?

As such SAP standard does not provide release strategy for sales orders similar to purchase orders. However this requirement of your can be satisfied through authorisation profiles; what I mean to say is that the sale order to be kept incomplete by the person who does not have the required authorisation & the person with proper authorisation will complete
it for further processing. This is only one way of meeting your requirement.

In order to emulate a release strategy similar to purchase orders you can use the status profile in sales documents (BS02).

IMG-Sales and distribution-Sales-Sales documents-Define and assign status profile.

Consignment Sales Process in SAP

The consignment process in SAP standard consist of four small processes:

Consignment fillup (send materials to customer consignment).
Here you have a consignment fillup order and a consignment fillup delivery.

Consignment issue (issue materials from customer consignment to the customer).
Here you have a consignment issue order, consignment issue delivery and a consignment issue invoice. (the flow is very similar to a normal OR flow, but the materials are issued from the consignment stock instead of plant stock unrestricted).

Consignment return (return materials from customer ownership to customer consignment).
Here you have a consignment return order, consignment return delivery and a consignment return invoice. (the flow is very similar to a normal RE flow, but the materials are returned to the consignment stock instead of plant stock returns).

Consignment pickup (pickup consignment stock and move it to plant stock).
Here you have a consignment pickup order and a consignment pickup delivery.

Note that in consignment fillup and consignment pickup there are no invoices since there is no change of ownership for the materials.

How to perform a consignment order?

In consignment orders you are allowing the stock to sit in your customer location. Once he informs that he used the stock you will invoice him. If he returns the stock you will accept the stock to take it back.

It is defined in 4 steps.

1. Consignment fill up:

Sales document type is KB
Item category KBN
shedule line category E1

In this step, you are not invoicing the customer. document flow is sales order ---- delivery item category. It will not be relevent for billing and pricing because you are not charging money for these goods in this step.

In schedule line category, you will set movement type 631 & set for availability check and TOR.

2. Consignment Issue.

Once the customer informed you that he used all the goods or partial goods then you will create consignment issue for used goods.

Sales document: KE
Item category: KEN
shedule line category: C0 or C1

Here you are invoicing the customer(because he used the goods). you are assigning the delivery documnt and billing document to the sales document.

In item category, you are setting relevent for billing, pricing, special stock.

In schedule line category, your setting is 633 movement type, relevent for availability check & TOR.

3. Consignment Return:

Customer found that some goods are damaged or he not able to sold the goods he want to send it back. that you are creating this document.

Sales document type: KR
Item category: KRN
Shedule line category: D0

You will assign delivery document and billing to sales document. you will create return order, return delivery, return billing.
Your setting item category relevent for billing, returns, pricing, special stock.
Your setting schedule line item category: 634 movement type, NO availability NO TOR.

4. Consignment Pick up:

Even if you create the consignment return the goods are not come to direct to your plant. For that you need to create consignment pick up. here the owner ship is not changing so you do not need to create billing.
Assign retrun delivery to sales document type.

Sales document: KA
Item category: KAN
schedule line category: F0 & F1

Your setting item category relevent for returns. any shedule line category relevent for 632 movement type, MRP, availability check, delivery.

Now you check your plant stock. Stock will increase.

Issue free goods to selected Customers

Client wants to issue free goods to selected customers after the said customer buys a specified quantity of a good during the festive season starting 02 December to mid January. for example customer A buys 34 cartons of Corn Ice-cream, we offer him 12 free corns. this should then reflect as cost in our accounts. the rest of the system is already up and running and should not be inconvinienced. How do I set it up?

1.Run trans. VBN2 to first create master record for free goods as follows:

Enter following information in selection screen:
- Free goods type: NA00
- Sales org, distribution channel, customer # and execute.

Now in next screen create the record as follows:

- First select the exclusive button and verify that you are in exclusive view.
(that is if you want exclusive)
- Material#, Min qty - Say 34 cartons. (check in what units you want to manage)
From: 34 cartons
unit of measure:
Free goods: 12 Pcs
Unit of measure: Pcs
Calcualtion type: 1 or try the other options
Deliver control: Blank or any of the other options suitable to you.

Now save and exit.

Now run VA01 for 34 cartons and press enter. The system will automatically propose the free goods

item at no additional charge. Try higher order qtys and see if the free goods qty are scaling up.

If not adjust the calculation parameters in the master record screen

It should be transaction VBN1. Sorry for the error.
VBN2 is to change the record. VBN1 creates it.

If you want to give free goods to some of the customers than

1. create a customer group say 99 for FREE GOODS

In Free Goods Menu:

2. add a feild catalog for CUSTOMER GROUP
3. create a condition table (free goods) say 555 only for customer group
4. create a sequence say FREE with condition table 555
5. create a condition type say FREE with
6. maintain pricing procedure say ZFREE with condition type FREE

Now assign:
7. Active Free goods Determination or Assign with your sales organisation this procedure ZFREE
8. Create free goods determination with transaction code /nvbn1 for FREE with Key Csuomer Group

99 for exclusive

Give customer Group say 99 and from 34 to 34 free 12

Supressing Fields in Sale Order

To make optional / mandatory you can use in IMG - S&D-> Basic > Functions-> Log of incomplete Procedures => select the fields > from the tables and the system will check for them (OVA2/VUA2)

To make a filed entry enabled or grey (non-entry allowed):


This user exit can be used to modify the attributes of the screen fields.

To do this, the screen fields are allocated to so-called modification groups 1 - 4 and can be edited together during a modification in ABAP.

If a field has no field name, it cannot be allocated to a group. The usage of the field groups (modification group 1-4) is as follows:

Modification group 1: Automatic modification with transaction MFAW

Modification group 2: It contains 'LOO' for step loop fields

Modification group 3: For modifications which depend on check tables or on other fixed information

Modification group 4: is not used
The FORM routine is called up for every field of a screen. If you require changes to be made, you must make them in this user exit. This FORM routine is called up by the module FELDAUSWAHL.

Actually suppressing fielding sales orders userwise is quite easy. We are doing it in our company. For this we use userexit FORM USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFICATION in MV45AFZZ.

Below is the sample code



IF sy-subrc = 0.

You place the authority check object in authorization profile in the role of the users, who should have access to the field (in this case it is VBKD-ABSSC), and there assign the corresponding fields that are to be accessed via this userexit.

Some Light on Batch Determination

On batch determination, the whole process, how it is determined automatically in the order.

A1) Normaly we use batch determination at delivery level, because at the time of order material may or may not be created.for this material should be configured with batch and batch determination should be checked in sales views of material.

A2) Batch Determination during order Creation.
For this you need to maintain a Classes d for you Material. Depending on the Manufacturing process you can define the characteristics for your material.

Ex: Purity for Medicines, Resistance for Electric Items.

You need to create a class (You might have to create a new class type) which incorporates the characteristic.

First Create the Characteristic Using Ct04 and then using Cl02 create the Class including this characteristic.

Then in your material master Classification View Enter this class.

Then Create a Batch for the particular plant and Stor Loc using MSC1N.Give the value of the characteristics in this batch.

Then go to SPRO ->Logistics General ->Batch Management and maintain the Condition Technique (Procedure, Strategy Types and assignment to sales docs etc).

Then Create the Batch Determination Record using VCH1.

Difference between Item Proposal and Material Determination

What is the difference between the item proposal and material determination product proposal?

Item proposal and product proposal are the same.

Item proposal is the list of materials and order quantities that can be copied into the sales order from the customer master data.

We use VA51 to create the item proposal. Here we get a number.This number is then linked to the customer master data in the sales view. This is very commonly used.

Material determination is very closely related to item proposal /product proposal and is used to swap one material for another in the sales order using the condition technique. I have not seen Material determination procedures used in the projects I have worked.

Item Proposal or Product proposal:

"Item proposal is same as product proposal & SAP uses the two terms interchangeably.

"An item proposal is a list of materials and order quantities that can be copied into the sales order. Items can also be selected from a list and copied into a sales order."

1) Use transaction [VOV8] to configure the document type ("MS" for product proposal).

2) Use transaction [VA51] to create a proposal.

3) Enter the item proposal on the sales area data (sales tab) of the customer master record.

4) In [VA01] to create a sales order, Select Edit & propose items."

Material determination:

"Material determination uses the condition technique to swap one material for another when certain conditions apply.

Material determination is triggered by the material entered in the line item of the sales order.

Use transaction [VB11] to create a material determination condition record. And [OV12] for configuration of material determination.

Material determination is useful when old product is becoming obsolete or a new product is released by the company at specific date."

Steps for SD Variant Configuration

Steps for SD Variant Configuration

Some light on Variant Configuration in Detail.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Create a Material - KMAT type with Item category (002)
  • Create Charateristics in CT04 - Zbike, where in values mention the Color of the bile like Red, Blue etc
  • Create another characteristics in CT04 - ZPrice, where directly go the additional data tab and maintain the table SDCOM and field VKOND (ABAP Dictionary it will ask for)
  • Assign these two characteristics to a Class in CL01 - ZBikeclass ( Type 300) in characteristics tab page.
  • Then go to CU41 Configuration profile select the material and enter the description click on the class assignment ie assign Zbikclass.
  • Now go back to CT04 - enter Zbike -go to values- select Red- go to extras - Other Dependencies - Select Procedure enter in front 10 write - $self.ZPrice='Red' and save
  • Now go back go to extras - Other Dependencies - assignments and assign relationship ( by default it will come just save)
  • Now select Blue- go to extras - Other Dependencies - Editor - Select Procedure enter in front of 10 write - $self.ZPrice='Blue' and save
  • Now go back go to extras - Other Dependencies - assignments and assign relationship ( by default it will come just save)
  • Now go to VK11 - Enter VA00 (Condition)(For Std RVA001 Pricing Procedure) - enter variant Red and Blue give the rates accordingly and create the sales order.

Tell me about variant configaration? What are the type of questions we can expect in that?

Variant configuration is used where you have a configurable material like computer (made up of components like processor, monitor, keyboard, mouse etc). These components are called as characteristics in variant config. Again this will be having values like processor can be either P4 or P3, monitor can be 15" or 17" etc.

Based on the values selected the variant pricing will happen using the condition type VA00.

Possible questions you can expect are:

- What is variant configuration?
- What is characteristic?
- What is value?
- What is class?
- What is configuration profile?
- What is dependency and what are the types?
- What is a variant table?
- And the transaction codes for the above.

Process Flow for 3rd Party Sales

Customize the third party sales in summary:

1. Create Vendor XK01

2. Create Material – Material Type as "Trading Goods". Item category group as "BANS".

3. Assign Item Category TAS to Order type that you are going to use.

4. A sale order is created and when saved a PR is generated at the background

5. With reference to SO a PO is created (ME21N). The company raises PO to the vendor.

6. Vendor delivers the goods and raises bill to company. MM receives the invoice MIRO

7. Goods receipt MIGO

8. Goods issue

9. The item cat TAS or Schedule line cat CS is not relevant for delivery which is evident from the config and, therefore, there is no delivery process attached in the whole process of Third party sales.

10. Billing

SD - 3rd party sales order Create Sales Order

Order Type
Sales org, distr chnl, div
Sold to
PO #

SD - 3rd party sales order View the PR that is created with a third party sales order

Order Number
Goto Item Overview
Item ->Schedule Item

SD - 3rd party sales order View the PR that is created

Key in the PR number

SD - 3rd party sales order Assign the PR to the vendor and create PO

Key in the PR number
Toggle the "Assigned Purchase Requisition"
Check the box next to the material
Assign Automatically button
Click on "Assignments" button
Click on "Process assignment"
The "Process Assignment Create PO" box , enter
Drag the PR and drop in the shopping basket

SD - 3rd party sales order Receive Goods

PO Number
DN Number
Batch tab , click on classification
Serial Numbers tab
Date of Production
Flag Item OK
Check, just in case

SD - 3rd party sales order Create Invoice

Invoice Date
Look for the PO , state the vendor and the Material
Check the box
Clilck on "Copy"
Purchase Order Number (bottom half of the screen)
State the baseline date
Simulate & Post
Invoice Number
*Invoice blocked due to date variance

SD - 3rd party sales order Create a delivery order

In the order screen , go to the menu Sales Document , select "Deliver"
Go to "picking" tab
State the qty and save

SD - 3rd party sales order Create a billing document

Ensure that the delivery document is correct in the
Go to edit -> Log

Intercompany Stock Transport Order

Configure Intercompany Stock Transport Order

Material should exist in both the plants (Delivering & Ordering),

Internal customer should be assaigned to the ordering plant ( MM -> Purchasing -> Purchase Order -> Setup stock transport order -> assign the internal customer to the ordering plant and assign the Sales area of the internal customer.

Assign its Sales area to the delivering plant

Assign the document type and Delivery type NB and NLCC

Assign the Supplying plant --> Receiving Plant --> NB

Take the delivering plant and assign the sales area.

Vendor master has to be created and assaign the supply source ( Delivering Plant).

Create a puchase order ME21N ---> Save

Delivery VL10 G ---> Calculation rule (appropriate) --> Assaign the purchase order number here and execute.

Select the Delivery creation line and do the back ground process.

Start the log display and see the delivery document number by the documents button

Goto VL02N --> do picking and PGI --> Then do the MIGO with respect to the delivery document.

Billing (Intercompany pricing conditions should be set).

Number Ranges In Sales Order

This is regarding number ranges defining and assigning tips which you can follow as below:

Whenever there is a new Sales Org being created, you will be required to maintain Number Ranges for Sales Documents which are allowed for your New Sales Area.

Number Ranges can be maintained Internally by the system, however it can be maintained externally also if you customize it accordingly.

In Standard SAP the Transaction code for Maintaiing Number ranges externally is VN01.

Defining - The same can be reached through in IMG as : Sales & Distribution-->Sales-->Sales Document Header-->Define Number Ranges for Sales Documents.

Here you provide the system a specific Number range as follows:

Number range Key +Start Number range+ End Number Range+Current Number

For Example: If you want to propose the following Number Range

*1 9000076000 9000076999 0

The Current Number field will be kept zero as you are proposing new number range and no sales documents have been created on it , Obviously..

*1 is a Unique Two digit Alphanumeric Key, while proposing your key, you should ensure that it should not be there in the system as existing.

If you propose a key that is there in the system or if the Number Range (Start and End Series) is there in the system already, the system will throw a message that Interval already already exists. So choose a key that is unique, and which is not there in the system.

Here , by making this , you are assigning a Key to a Number Range Series.

All the symbols can be used along with numbers from 0 to 9 and Alphabets from A to Z and in any order. For example: !1, ^A, BB,Z*,M2.........

Assigning - In Assigning, you assign the particular Sales Document to the Number Range you have already proposed as above.

The Assigning Part is done as follows:

The Two digit Alpha Numeric Key is maintained or Assigned to the respective Sales Document type in V0V8.

This can also be reached in IMG by:

Sales & Distribution-->Sales-->Sales Document Header-->Define Sales Document Types

Locate the particular Sales Doc Type, and double click on it to display it configuration. Here you put the Two Digit Number key in the Field- "Number range External Assignment"

Besides this:

If a new Shipping Point is created then Delivery Number ranges are required to be maintained.


If a new Plant is created then Billing Number Ranges are required to be maintained.

What is Debit note and Credit note

What is Debit note and Credit note? What is the purpose? How we create?

1. A transaction that reduces Amounts Receivable from a customer is a credit memo. For eg. The customer could return damaged goods. A debit memo is a transaction that reduces Amounts Payable to a vendor because, you send damaged goods back to your vendor.

2. Credit memo request is a sales document used in complaints processing to request a credit memo for a customer. If the price calculated for the customer is too high, for example, because the wrong scale prices were used or a discount was forgotten, you can create a credit memo request. The credit memo request is blocked for further processing so that it can be checked. If the request is approved, you can remove the block. The system uses the credit memo request to create a credit memo.

You can use credit memos in Sales and Distribution (SD) for assigning credit memo requests to the open invoices and in Financial Accounting (FI) for assigning credit memos and payments to the open invoices and carry out clearing with them. If you use both Financial Accounting (FI) and Sales and Distribution (SD), there is a 1:1 relationship between the credit memo request and the credit memo item posted in Financial Accounting (FI). As soon as you bill the credit memo request together with other sales orders, or distribute the items of one credit memo request to several billing documents, the assignment is no longer valid and the system will not process it.

For credit memos, credit memo requests, and payments, you have the following assignment options:

- Assignment to a single invoice
- Assignment of a partial amount to an invoice
- Assignment to several invoices

When you post credit memos, the payment programme processes them automatically. If the credit memo is specifically related to a particular open invoice item, the payment program automatically attempts to offset the credit memo against the open item. If it is not possible to completely offset the credit memo against an invoice, you can post a debit memo to the vendor, who is to reimburse the amount. Then you can apply a multilevel dunning program.

3. Debit memo request is a sales document used in complaints processing to request a debit memo for a customer. If the prices calculated for the customer were too low, for example, calculated with the wrong scaled prices, you can create a debit memo request. The debit memo request can be blocked so that it can be checked. When it has been approved, you can remove the block. It is like a standard order. The system uses the debit memo request to create a debit memo.

4. As mentioned above, creating a credit or debit memo request enables you to create credit or debit memos based on a complaint. For this first create a sales document with the order type for a credit or debit memo request. You can create the debit or credit memo requests in the following ways:

– Without reference to an order

– With reference to an existing order Here you enter which order the complaint refers to.

– With reference to an invoice
Here you enter which invoice the complaint refers to.

In all cases, you specify the value or quantity that should be in the credit or debit memo

5. You can block the credit or debit memo request from being billed in Customizing.

Go to Sales -> Sales Documents -> Sales document header -> Define sales document type and select the billing block field in the billing section. This request can later be reviewed along with similar ones, - if necessary, by another department. The request for a credit or debit memo can then be approved or rejected.

Friday, September 7, 2007


SAP SD CIN Configuration

What is CIN?
CIN Means Country India Version

In Indian Taxing procedure, Excise Duty plays a vital role in manufacturing cenario’s. Excise related configuration is known as CIN configuration. CIN Configuration is a topic in itself.

Some info on CIN Configuration (it may not appear as understandable below, but if you check on screen, it will be understood better)

Country Version India comes with four pricing procedures as follows:

- JINFAC (Sales from manufacturing plants)
- JINEXP (Export sales)
- JINDEP (Sales from depots)
- JINSTK (Stock transfers

CIN: IMG > Logistics - General > Tax on Goods Movement > India > Basic Settings > Maintain Excise Registrations

In this IMG activity, you maintain the data relating to your excise registrations.
- Enter each of your excise registrations, specifying a four-character code for each Excise Registration Ids

In this activity, you maintain excise registration IDs. You create one ID for each of your business's excise registrations.
- For each excise registration in your business create a registration ID, and state:
- Which taxes the registration covers (additional excise duty, special excise duty, and cess) Fields for any taxes that are not covered will be hidden in transactions involving excise duty.
- The maximum number of items to be printed on each excise invoice
- Whether you are allowed partial CENVAT credits

Maintain Registration ID NUMBER, Excise code number, excise registration number

ECC Number: Specifies the organization's ECC number.

Excise Registration Number: A number assigned to each premises or location that has registered as a manufacturer with the excise authorities.

Every entity with an excise registration number is required to keep its own excise books.

Excise range: Specifies the excise range in whose area the excise registration is located.

Excise Division: Specifies the excise division in whose area the excise registration is located.

Excise Collectorate: The code of the excise collectorate in whose area the excise registration is located.

Indicator for confirming, AED usage Additional Excise duty Percentage.
These are livable under the additional duties of excise act. These duties are in addition to basic excise duty and special excise duty. Example - Additional Excise duty is livable in case of textile products, tobacco and sugar.

Similarly for SED CESS Number of Items in Excise Invoice Shows the maximum number of line items that the authorities allow per excise invoice.

Dependencies - This information is used when you create an excise invoice in Sales and Distribution (SD) for factory sales and for other movements. This information is used to split the transfer postings' items into multiple subcontracting challans.

Excise register set description: Description of the excise registers set.

Partial CENVAT Credit: Indicates that the excise registration ID is allowed to credit only a portion of its input excise duty to its CENVAT account

Dependencies - When you post a goods receipt, the system splits the input excise duty on the material into its deductible and nondeductible amounts. It posts the deductible duty to the appropriate CENVAT account, and adds the nondeductible duty to the material value.

This information is also shown when you post the vendor's excise invoice.

Maintain Company Code Settings.
In this IMG activity, you maintain the data relating to your company codes.

Document Type for CENVAT Postings.
It controls, which document type the system uses when making CENVAT postings in Financial Accounting (FI). Here ED is document type for cenvat posting.

Indicator for providing debit account overwriting
Debit Account Overwrite Indicator. X - Indicates debit accounts can be overwritten. Use In excise journal voucher transaction. It provides the flexibility to the user to enter the debit account of his choice depending on the nature of transaction.

Automatic balance Indicator - Excise year start month. The calendar month marking the beginning of the excise year. This start month represents the month for the start of the excise invoice number range. The month 04 is entered here indicating April of the calendar year as the start month for excise invoices. Any change by the Excise authorities regarding start month should be taken care of by an entry in this field and initialization.

Excise invoice selection procedure :Excise invoice selection type. To indicate the method opted by the company for selecting the excise invoice. It can be either earliest or latest invoices that were received. Number of excise invoices to be selected Indicates the number of excise invoices that needs to be selected in the excise invoice selection.

Days to be considered for excise invoice selection Number of days from document date for excise invoice selection.
Example - If the value of this field is 20 and today is 28-03-97. The excise invoice selection will show the related invoices only for the period 08-03-97 to 28-03-97.

Document type for TDS FI posting: Financial accounting document type for TDS posting.

Document type for FI posting on Utilisation Financial accounting document type for TDS posting.

Indicator for item level excise duty round off - This indicator is to be used for deciding whether Item level excise duty amount rounding off is required during procurement cycle. If marked 'X' then the excise duty amount will be rounded off to the nearest rupee at the Purchase order level. This will not round off the CENVAT credit to be taken. If the duty amount is less than one rupee then no rounding is done

Rounding off of Excise duty for outgoing excise invoice - You can round off the Excise amount to be paid during an outgoing Excise invoice by marking this indicator as 'X'. The rounding is done at the item level for each item where the amount is greater than 1 Rupee.

Immediate Credit on Capital Goods - Instructs the system, when you verify a goods receipt for capital goods, to immediately post half of the input excise duty to the appropriate CENVAT accounts. The rest is posted the CENVAT on hold account, for use in the following year.

CVD Clearing Account - Specifies which G/L account the system credits when you take a CENVAT credit on countervailing duty in the Incoming Excise Invoices transaction.

Exchange rate type - Key representing a type of exchange rate in the system.
- You enter the exchange rate type to store different exchange rates. Example - You can use the exchange rate type to define a buying rate, selling rate, or average rate for translating foreign currency amounts. You can use the average rate for the currency translation, and the bank buying and selling rates for valuation of foreign currency amounts.

Exchange rate type to be used for Export excise duty converts - When you are creating an Excise invoice for export sales then the exchange rate for duty calculation will be picked up using this Exchange rate type.

Maintain Plant Settings - In this IMG activity, you maintain excise information relating to your plants.
Plant Settings - In this activity, you maintain excise information relating to your plants.
For each plant:
- Specify whether it is a manufacturing site or a depot.
- Assign it an excise registration ID. - You can assign the same ID to more than one plant, if required.

Depot - Indicates that the plant in question is a depot. - Depots are required to prepare register RG 23D, and follow different procedures for goods receipt and invoice generation.
- Number of goods receipt per excise invoice.
- Multiple GR for one excise invoice, Single credit
- Multiple GR for one excise invoice, multiple credit

Maintain Excise Groups - In this IMG activity, you define your excise groups. For each excise group, you can also control how various excise invoice transactions will work.

Excise Groups - In this activity, you define excise groups. An excise group allows you to maintain a separate set of excise registers and excise accounts. The RG 23A, RG 23C and PLA serial numbers are created for an excise group.

Recommendation - Under normal circumstances, excise authorities require every business to maintain only one set of excise registers and one set of accounts. But through exemption from the authorities, multiple books can be maintained.

If your company has only one set of excise registers, then you need to maintain only one excise group.

1. Create one excise group for each set of registers that you need to keep.
2. Assign the excise groups to plants.
3. Maintain whether this Excise group is for a depot or not.
If you receive only one consignment for an Excise challan then you can leave GR's per EI as blank. If you receive multiple GR's for a given Excise challan and would like to avail multiple credit mark the GRs per EI as 'Multiple GR's for one excise invoice, multiple credit'. Alternatively if you want to availa the credit only after all the goods receipts have been made mark it as ' Multiple GR for one excise invoice, single credit'.
4. If you want to automatically create Excise invoice during Sales cycle at the time of billing the tick the indicator 'Create EI'
5. During depot sales if you do not want to do RG23D selection and posting separately and would like to complete RG23D selection in one step mark the indicator 'RG23D Auto post'. This will post the selected records into RG23D automatically. You cannot cancel the selection later.
6. If the indicator 'Default GR qty' is marked system will default the Excise challan quantity on to the Goods receipt if the Excise invoice number is given in the pop-up.
7. If the indicator 'Folio no create' is marked system will generate Folio numbers for RG23D during receipt of excise invoice into depot.
8. 'Automatic posting' when ticked will post the Excise invoice other movements automatically along with creation in single step.
9. 'Create Part1 for Block Stock' when marked will create a Part1 during the receipt of material into Blocked stock .
10. 'Create Part1 for STO' when marked will create a Part1 during the receipt of material through inter plant transfers.
11. 'Create Part1 for consumption stock' when marked will create a Part1 during the receipt of material into consumption stock. Excise Group Governs which set of excise registers a business transaction will be included in.

Following is the relation between excise group, plant and registration. - In define excise groups in Customizing.
Then, in transactions involving excise duty, for example, when you post a vendor's excise invoice, you specify which excise group you are using. This information tells the system which G/L accounts to post the excise to. At the end of the period, when you come to prepare your excise registers, you create different sets for each excise group.

Indicates that the plant in question is a depot. - Depots are required to prepare register RG 23D, and follow different procedures for goods receipt and invoice generation.
- GR Per Excise Invoice
- Multiple GR for one excise invoice , Multiple credit
- Multiple GR for one excise invoice , Single Credit

Create Excise Invoice Automatically - Instructs the system to automatically create a Sales and Distribution (SD) excise invoice immediately you create a commercial invoice or a pro forma invoice.
The excise invoice is created in the background. - If you want to make use of this function, you must also define the default plant, excise group, and series groups in Customizing for Sales and Distribution (SD), by choosing Excise Group - Series Group Determination.

RG23D Sales Creation and posting option - RG23D Automatic Option if selected will create Depot excise invoice by posting the selection of excise invoices in single step. If this is not selected then you need to separately do RG23D selection
followed by PGI and then RG23D verification and posting. If you need automatic posting of RG23D selection then the Post Goods Issue should have been completed before running RG23D selection.

Default excise qty in GR - If this indicator is ticked then while doing Goods Receipt using 'MB01' system will default the excise invoice quantity on to the Goods receipt document.

Folio number for depo Posting - If this indicator is marked then while creating Excise invoice for other movements system automatically does the Verify and Post. You need not separately Post the excise invoice

Also we can set indicator for creation of part 1 for:
- Blocked stock
- Stock transport order
- Consignment stock

Maintain Series Group - In this IMG activity, you define the different excise series groups within your company. Series groups allow you to maintain multiple number ranges for the outgoing excise documents. Based on excise regulations and exemptions from the authorities you can maintain multiple number series for outgoing documents. But each of these series has to be declared to the excise authorities.

- Define excise series groups based on type of outgoing document
- Assign series group to excise registration ID
- If no financial postings are required for an Excise invoice in this seris group then you tick the 'No utilization' indicator.
- If the CENVAT has to be paid immediately and you need not wait for the Fort nightly payment then mark the 'Immediate Utilization' Iindicator. Example - You could define two series groups, group 001 for excise invoices, and group 002 for 57 F4 documents.
- No account postings for CENVAT in sales cycle
- No utilization Flag
If you do not need any CENVAT utilization for an excise invoice but would like to just generate an excise invoice then you need to mark this indicator.
If the flag is checked then system will create an Excise invoice in the given Series group but there will not be any account postings or Part2 postings.

Immediate Utilization of CENVAT - Specifies that when you create an excise invoice, the system immediately pays the amount from CENVAT and creates the Part II entry. Such invoices will not be listed for fortnightly utilization.

If you have both fortnightly and immediate utilization for the same excise group, the account determination within CIN IMG should point to the ED interim account.

Account determination for immediate payment will be done exactly the same as being done for fortnightly utilization program.

Maintain Excise Duty Indicators - In this IMG activity, you maintain the excise duty indicators.
IMG > Logistics - General > Tax On Goods Movement > India > Basic Settings > Determination of Excise Duty > Select Tax Calculation Procedure

In this IMG activity, you specify which tax procedure you want to use for determining excise duties and sales taxes on input materials in India.

- If you use condition-based excise determination, use a copy of the tax procedure TAXINN.
- If you use formula-based excise determination, use a copy of the tax procedure TAXINJ.
This tax procedure also supports condition-based excise determination, so that you can work with both concurrently.
We strongly recommend that new customers use condition-based excise determination. Note that once you have started using a tax procedure, you cannot switch to another one, otherwise you will not be able to display old documents.

Maintain Excise Defaults - In this IMG activity, you define which tax procedure and pricing condition types are used in calculating excise taxes using formula-based excise determination.

If you use condition-based excise determination, fill out the CVD cond. field and leave all the others blank.

If you use formula-based excise determination, fill out all of the fields as follows:
- Enter the tax procedure and the pricing conditions that are relevant for excise tax processing.
- Specify the purchasing and sales conditions types used for basic excise duty, additional excise duty, special excise duty, and cess.
- Specify the conditions in the sales order that are used for excise rates.
- Specify the countervailing duty condition type used for import purchase orders.

See also : SAP Library -> Logistics -> Country Versions -> Asia-Pacific -> India -> Materials Management (MM) -> Condition-Based Excise Determination and -> Formula-Based Excise Determination.

IMG > Logistics - General > Tax On Goods Movement > India > Basic Settings > Determination of Excise Duty >
Condition-Based Excise Determination

When you enter a purchasing document, for example, a purchase order, the R/3 System automatically calculates the applicable excise duties using the condition technique.

Features : The standard system comes with two tax calculation procedures. TAXINN is only supports condition-based excise determination, whereas TAXINJ supports condition-based excise determination and formula-based excise determination. Both tax procedures contain condition types that cover all of the excise duties and sales taxes applicable.

Since the exact rates of excise duty can vary on a large number of factors, such as which vendor you purchase a material from, or which chapter ID the vendor stocks the material under, you create condition records for every sort of excise duty.
When you come to enter a purchasing document, the system applies the excise duty at the rates you have entered in the condition records.

Customizing : Make the settings in Customizing Basic -> India -> for Logistics – General, by choosing Taxes on Goods Movements Account -> Excise Duties Using Condition Technique and …-> Settings Determination.

These activities include one activity where you define a tax code for condition-based excise determination.

Master Data - Create condition records for all excise duties that apply, and enter the tax code for condition-based excise determination in each.

Day-to-Day Activities - When you enter a purchase order or other purchasing document, enter the tax code for condition-based excise determination in each line item. The system then calculates the excise duties using the condition records you have created.

When the ordered materials arrive, you post the goods receipt and the excise invoice. The system posts the excise duty to the appropriate accounts for deductible input taxes when you enter the excise invoice.

Creating Condition Records for Excise Duty
1. In the command field, enter FV11 and choose .
2. Enter the condition type that you want to create a condition record for and choose .
The Key Combination dialog box appears.
3. Select the combination of objects that you want to create the condition record for. On the dialog box, Control Code means "chapter ID." So, for example, to create a condition record for a tax that applies to a combination of country, plant, and chapter ID, select Country/Plant/Control Code.
4. Choose .
5. Enter data as required. - In the Tax Code field, enter the dummy tax code that you have defined.
6. Save the condition record.
Formula-Based Excise Determination - When you execute a business transaction involving materials that are subject to excise duty, the system automatically calculates the duty for you.

In order for the system to be able to determine which rate of excise duty to apply, you must have maintained all the data on the Excise Rate Maintenance screen, which you can Master Data®access from the SAP Easy Access screen by choosing Indirect Taxes Excise Rate Maintenance.

You maintain the following types of data:
- Plant master data
You assign each of your plants an excise duty indicator. You can use the same indicator for all the plants with the same excise status from a legal point of view, such as all those that are in an exempt zone. See also the information about manufacturers that are only entitled to deduct a certain portion of the duty (see Partial CENVAT Credit).
- Vendor master data
For each of your vendors with the same excise status from a legal perspective, you define an excise duty indicator. You must also specify the vendor type – for example, whether the vendor is a manufacturer, a depot, or a first-stage dealer. You must also stipulate if the vendor qualifies as a small-scale industry. For each permutation of plant indicator and vendor indicator, you then create a final excise duty indicator.
- Customer master data
Similarly, you assign the same excise duty indicator to each of your customers that share the same legal excise status.
Again, for each permutation of plant indicator and customer indicator, you then create a final excise duty indicator.
- Material master data
Each material is assigned a chapter ID.
- Excise tax rate
For every chapter ID and final excise duty indicator, you maintain the rate of excise duty.
If your business only qualifies for partial CENVAT credit, you must customize your system accordingly.

Let us consider an example to illustrate how the system determines which rate of excise duty to apply to a material. Assume you are posting a sale of ball bearings to a customer. The system automatically determines the rate of excise duty as follows:
1. Looks up the customer master data to see what status you have assigned the customer.
Let's assume you've assigned the customer status 3.
2. Looks up the plant master data to see what status you have assigned the plant. Similarly, your plant has status 2.
3. The system looks up the table under Excise Indicator for Plant and Customer to see what the final excise duty indicator is for customer status 3 and plant status 2: It is 7.
4. The system determines the chapter ID of the ball bearing for the plant.
Let’s assume the chapter ID at plant for the ball bearings is 1000.01.
5. Finally, the system looks up the table under Excise Tax Rate to see what rate of duty applies to chapter ID 1000.01 under
status 7.

Define Tax Code for Purchasing Documents - In this IMG activity, you define a tax code for the purposes of calculating excise duty when you enter purchasing documents. Only carry out this activity if you use condition-based excise
- Create a new tax code, and set the tax code type to V (input tax). Do not make any other settings for it.
- Assign Tax Code to Company Codes

In this IMG activity, assign the tax code for purchasing documents to the company codes where it will be used.
Only carry out this activity if you use condition-based excise determination.

Classify Condition Types - In this IMG activity, you specify which condition types you use for which sort of tax. Note that this only applies to condition types that you use with the new excise determination method. The system uses this information when you create a document from another one. For example, when you enter an incoming excise invoice from a
purchase order, or when you create an outgoing excise invoice from a sales order, the system determines the various excise duties in the excise invoice using the information that you have entered here. In addition, when you create a purchasing document, the system only uses the condition types that you enter here.
- For taxes on purchases, use the condition types contained in the tax procedure.
- For taxes on sales, use the condition types contained in the pricing procedures.

The standard system comes with sample settings for the tax calculation procedures and pricing procedures.
Use these settings as a basis for your own.
IMG > Logistics - General > Tax On Goods Movement > India > Account Determination

Define G/L Accounts for Taxes - In this IMG activity, you specify which G/L accounts you will use to record which taxes.
Requirements - You have set up G/L accounts for each of the processing keys listed below.
- Assign an account to each of the following posting keys. The accounts for VS1, VS2, and VS3 are used as clearing accounts during excise invoice verification.
- VS1 (basic excise duty)
- VS2 (additional excise duty)
- VS3 (special excise duty)
- VS5 (sales tax setoff)
- MWS (central sales tax)
- MW3 (local sales tax)
- ESA (service tax)
- ESE (service tax expense)

Specify Excise Accounts per Excise Transaction - In this IMG activity, you specify which excise accounts (for excise
duty and CENVAT) are to be posted to for the various transaction types. Enter all the accounts that are affected by each transaction type. If you use sub transaction types, enter the accounts for each sub transaction type as well.

Transaction type UTLZ is used for determining accounts only while posting excise JVs and also if the payment of excise duty has to be done fortnightly. The fortnightly CENVAT payment utility picks up the credit side accounts from the transaction types of GRPO, EWPO, and TR6C for determining the CENVAT and PLA accounts. There is no separate transaction type for fortnightly payment.
- Excise TT DC ind Account name
- GRPO CR CENVAT clearing account
- GRPO CR RG 23 BED account
- GRPO DR CENVAT on hld account

Specify G/L Accounts per Excise Transaction - In this IMG activity, you assign the excise and CENVAT accounts to G/L
accounts. When you come to execute the various transactions, the system determines which G/L accounts to post to by looking at the:
- Excise group
- Company code
- Chart of accounts

Furthermore, if you want separate account determination settings within an excise group, you can also use sub transaction types.
You have already:
- Defined the G/L accounts
- Defined the excise groups
- Maintained the transaction accounts
Activities - For each excise group, assign the excise and CENVAT accounts to G/L accounts. For most businesses, one set of accounts will suffice for all transactions.
Note : you need not remit the CENVAT to the excise department immediately, so maintain the credit account for transaction type DLFC as an excise duty interim account. This will be set off when you remit the duty. Config setting needed to be done in order to get the Excise Details Screen in Material Master.

Even though this functionality is available in enterprise version, a small configuration step has to be made in Screen Sequences for Material Master.

Following document helps you to do this configuration.
- Material Master à Logistics General
1. Go to IMG Define Structure of Data Screen for each Configuring the Material master Screen Sequence.
2. Select your screen sequence. Usually it would be 21. Select the same and click on Data Screen in the left frame.
3. Once the data screens are exhibited, select data screen no. 15, ie. SSq. 21and Scrn 15, which is “Foreign Trade: Import Data”. Select the same and click on Sub screens in the left frame.
4. Go to the last sub screen i.e. 21-15-6 - SAPLMGD1- 0001 and select the same. Click on tab view sub screen and ensure that the sub screen is blank.
5. Now in the last sub screen i.e. no.6 you delete SAPLMGD1 – 0001 and instead add SAPLJ1I_MATERIAL_MASTER and in the screen no. 2205.
6. Save the setting.
7. Create a Material Master and check whether in Screen Foreign Trade
– Import, Excise related sub screen appears.
