Friday, August 31, 2007

SAP SD TCodes For India

Transaction Action:

J1I2 - Prepare a sales tax register

J1I3 - Create outgoing excise invoices in batches

J1I5 - Update the RG 1 and Part I registers

J1IEX - Incoming Excise Invoices (central transaction)

J1IEX_C - Capture an incoming excise invoice (excise clerk)

J1IEX_P - Post an incoming excise invoice (excise supervisor)

J1IF01 - Create a subcontracting challana

J1IF11 - Change a subcontracting challan

J1IF12 - Display a subcontracting challan

J1IF13 - Complete, reverse, or recredit a subcontracting challan

J1IFQ - Reconcile quantities for subcontracting challans

J1IFR - List subcontracting challans

J1IH - Make a CENVAT adjustment posting

J1IIN - Create an outgoing excise invoice

J1IJ - Assign excise invoices to a delivery for sales from depots

J1INJV - Adjust withholding tax Item

J1INREP - Reprint a withholding tax certificate for a vendor

J1IQ - Year-End Income Tax Depreciation Report

J1IR - Download register data

J1IS - Process an excise invoice (outgoing) for other movements

J1IU - Process exemption forms

J1IW - Verify and post an incoming excise invoice

J1IX - Create an incoming excise invoice (without reference to purchase order)

J2I8 - Transfer excise duty to CENVAT account

J2IU - Remit excise duty fortnightly

J2I9 - Monthly CENVAT return

J1IG - Excise invoice entry at depot

J1IGA - Create additional excise entry at depot

J2I5 - Extract data for excise registers

J2I6 - Print excise registers

Task Specifc SD Transaction Codes 2

Where do we maintain "Item Category Usage" at the master level?

Spro --> Sales and Distribution --> Sales --> Sales Documents --> Sales Document Item --> Define Item Category Usage

Item Category Usage: item category usages which control the usage of an item. Item category usage controls, for example, the system response if during document processing an item does not refer to a material but to a text item. Item category usage can also be maintained via the item categories

In contracts we are creating quantity contract and value contracts in that we only put the validity period after validity period that contract will close,but customer want before one month closing the period system should alert with popup box like this contract is going to close, for this sales manager can follow up the customer for renual the contract.

Getting a pop-up when the Contract is going to expire is not a Standard SAP thing. For this you need to do some programming. Instead of this the Std system has a reminder system where in the open Contracts and Quotaions are popped up when you about to create a sales order.

This setting is in the Sales order header ,
Goto -- VOV8 --- Quotation and Outline agreement messages

If you want to have different number range for different sales area where the settings to be done.

Number Rage are use to define what number to be assign to sales document type. Number range can be assign Internal or external.

In internal number range system automatically assign a number to sales document according to number range define in system.

In External number range user manually assign number to sales document.

For Assigning Number Range use T-Code VN01

Choose Intervals ---- Define your number range

Task Specifc SD Transaction Codes 1

How to configure tax?

Use the following Tcodes:


and thenVK11 to maintain the condition record for the tax rate.

I raise a sales order and is getting a error stating that "sales area is not defined".

1) At SPRO-->SD-->Sales header-->Assign Sales area to Sales document - Combine your Sales Organisations, Distribution Channels & Divisons

2) At VOPA-->Assign Partner Determination procedure to your Account Group of Customer Master you are using.

3) At VOPA--> Assign Partner Functions to your Account Group & Partner Determination procedure

Steps to create a Vendor Master Data at the client level and how do we extend it to different company codes?

Follow the following steps:

1. Create a vendor account group OBD3
2. Define no. range for vendor account group XKN1
3. Assign number range to Vendor account group OBAS
4. Define tolerance Group for vendor OBA3
5. Create 2 GL accounts FS00
a) Purchases A/c
b) S. creditors A/c
6. Create Vendor master data XK01
7. change/block vendor master data XK02/XK05
8. Define document type and no. range OBA7
a) KA
b) KG
c) KR
d) KZ

How to find the strategy group in sap sd?

Menu path for Strategy Group is:

Spro --> Production --> Production Planning --> Demand Management --> Planned Independent Requirements --> Planning Strategy --> Define Strategy Group.

OPPT -- Maintain Starategy Group

We can see Strategy Group in Material Master Record - MRP 3 - Planning -- Strategy Group.
10 - For Make to Order
20 - For Make to Stock

Important Tables for SAP SD

Important Tables for SAP SD
Sales and Distribution:

Table Description

Customers KNA1 General Data
KNB1 Customer Master – Co. Code Data (payment method, reconciliation acct)
KNB4 Customer Payment History
KNB5 Customer Master – Dunning info
KNBK Customer Master Bank Data
KNKA Customer Master Credit Mgmt.
KNKK Customer Master Credit Control Area Data (credit limits)
KNVV Sales Area Data (terms, order probability)
KNVI Customer Master Tax Indicator
KNVP Partner Function key
KNVD Output type
KNVS Customer Master Ship Data
KLPA Customer/Vendor Link

Sales Documents VBAKUK VBAK + VBUK
VBUK Header Status and Administrative Data
VBAK Sales Document - Header Data
VBKD Sales Document - Business Data
VBUP Item Status
VBAP Sales Document - Item Data
VBPA Partners
VBFA Document Flow
VBEP Sales Document Schedule Line
VBBE Sales Requirements: Individual Records

SD Delivery DocumeLIPS Delivery Document item data, includes referencing PO
LIKP Delivery Document Header data

Billing Document VBRK Billing Document Header
VBRP Billing Document Item

SD Shipping Unit VEKP Shipping Unit Item (Content)
VEPO Shipping Unit Header

Sales Order Mass Change

I am a SAP SD consultant and recently faced with two new terms, mass order change and ALV , I also need to know about the transaction code.

There is transaction MASS which can be used to carry out mass changes in the sales order and other objects.

Mass Maintenance: (Use to change multiple fields in multiple documents at the same time). I have done mass change for customers; and orders should work the same way too.

1) Try t-code [MASS] and select sales orders & execute

2) Choose the table or tables for your selection criteria and also for fields you want to change.
Then execute. (suppose your selection criteria fields are from "sales order header data" table and the field you want to change, is in "item data" table)

3) Put in the sales documents(21000000, 21000001) you want to change and also the items(10) you want to change.
- click on " choose selection fields" button
- From the Pool, move the fields you want to the "select fields" using arrows.

4)From mass maintenace menu, click on "Enter new field values"
-click on "sales order item data" tab and choose the field you want to change.
(for example. I want to change plant for item 10)
-enter the new value (of the plant to be)
-click on "Adopt" and execute

5)In "sales order item data" tab, you see the new value of the plant you entered at the top and the old values of item 10 are below.
-click on "change field values" button. you see all the old values are changed to new values.

Note: it will take some time depending on how many records you have.
Check: Go to [SM37] and see the status of the job you are running and once finished, export the spool file to a spreadsheet.
Before you do mass maintenance, go to the particular table in [se16] and get the results. Then do the mass maintenance and compare the results with this one. If they match, then you are good to go.

Note: If you have any user exits that affect the results, ask them to deactivate the MODCHECKS still you are done with mass maintenance & activate them again.

Is there a way to change the billing date on a ton of sales orders with same old billing date to a same new billing date?

This can be done using the mass transaction:
Transaction: MASS
Object Type: BUS2032
Tables: SD Document: Business item data
Sel Field: Billing Date (MASSSDHE and MASSSDPO)
- Or you can just select by document numbers (May be more efficient)
Execute - List will be provide for changes

Sel Chg Fld: Billing Date
Set new billing date value in the New Values field
Click on lower billing date column
Click on Carry out a Mass Change button
Click on Save button

Suggestion is to test this on a few orders in your development system to get a feel on how this works before applying this to any production data. MASS is a very powerful tool.

I have 100000 sales orders whith an incorrect price and I would like to do a massive condition update with pricing type "B" (Carry out new pricing). Is there a transaction or program for this?

Go to VA05 execute the report. Select all sales orders you want to update the price, Go to the Menu EDIT --> MASS Change ---> New Pricing. System will display all the re-pricing options. Select B. It will re-price all the sales orders.

You can try for one or two order initially check the results and if it is OK, then you can do for others.

How to Know that Sales BOM is working or not?

I have set up a sales BOM. How do I know or test that is is working or not?

Once you enter a material (for whch you have created a BOM thru CS01) in the sales doc another material pops under the main material line item as a sub-item (s). If it doesn't then your BOM isn't working.

In my experience BOMs work if all maintenance has been done properly.

A number of things to check is:

1. The bom hasn't been defined for the plant used, or you haven't defined the plant in SO.

2. Main item category - has BOM application SD01 been assigned to it?

3. Item categories for main items and sub-items have not been mainteined properly.

4. Sales items maintenance - You should assign item categories for BOM header items and sub-items to a specific sales doc.

5. Has the BOM itself been configured properly (i.e. right plant, BOM usage '5')?

6. Are you trying it out on an order created after all BOM maintenance was done?

7. Also , what's the 'Structure scope' set as? Anything except C may be useful here? We have that set to A, since our BOMs are all single-level. You could set it to B if BOM are configured multi-level.

Those are probably main reasons why BOM shouldn't work. Apart from that, just re-check your whole config - the truth is out there somwhere.

Sales BOM Implementation

A Bill of material (BOM) describes the different components that together create a product. A BOM for a bicycle, for example, consists of all the parts that make up the bicycle: the frame, the saddle, wheels, and so on.

Process Flow

When you enter the material number of a bill of materials that is relevant for sales order processing, the system displays the material that describes the whole bill of materials as a main item. The individual components are displayed as lower-level items.

There are two ways to process a bill of materials in Sales. Once you have entered a bill of material in a sales order, the system runs pricing, inventory control, and delivery processing at:

- Main item level if the material is assembled, or
- Component level if the material is not assembled

The type of processing used by the system is determined by the item category group that you enter in the material master record for relevant materials.

Processing at Main Item Level

If you want the system to carry out pricing, inventory control, and delivery processing at main item level, enter ERLA in the Item category group field of the Sales: sales org. 2 screen in the material master record of the finished product. This means that the components only function as text items and are not relevant for delivery. The following graphic shows how a bill of material is processed at main item level.

Processing at Component Level

If you want the system to carry out pricing, inventory control, and delivery processing at the component level, enter LUMF in the Item category group field of the Sales: sales org. 2 screen in the material master record of the finished product. In this case, only the components are relevant for delivery. During processing the system automatically creates a delivery group. The latest delivery date among all the components becomes the delivery date for the entire delivery group.

Scheduling Agreement Vs Contract

A schedule agreement contains details of a delivery schedule but a contract just contains quantity and price information and no details of specific delivery dates

What's the difference between schedulling agreement with normal order?
What's the condition for us to choose schedule line or order?

Both of them contains schedule line, price, quantity.

There are a couple major differences:

(1) - Schedule agreements allow you to have 2 different sets of schedule lines (VBEP-ABART). Standard SAP you should have two sets of tabs - of schedule lines. One Forecast & the other JIT. Forecast forwards the schedule lines to planning (seen in MD04) and JIT passes them to shipping (VL10). They can be identical or different. Typically these are used for component supplier customers (namely Automotive).

The customer will provide you 4-10 weekly buckets (usually a Monday date) of future forecast qtys. Also send you 1-2 weeks of individual FIRM ship dates - which are entered on the JIT. It comes down to the customer not knowing exactly what they need next week, but they don't want to suprise you with a large order qty, where your lead times are 5+ days. The forecasted qtys they sent last week should account for this.

(2) Cumulative Quantities are tracked and influence how the schedule agreement passes requirements to both forecasting and shipping. These qtys are sometimes requested by the customer on ASNs. Cumulative qtys reset at year end unless you've got a customer calendar or you've modified standard SAP userexits to not reset.

Schedule agreements are very nice when the customer sends EDI data (830s = forecast or 862s = JITs). Outside of that they can really cause trouble regarding daily maintenance, missing requirements, cum qty corrections, year end processing, etc.

One alternative would be to use customer independent requirements - entering the weekly, monthly forecasting qtys and entering standard sales orders (with or without multiple schedule lines) to represent the true firm qtys.

Return material From customer

Return material From customer

You need to receipt the rejected goods through SD Module (VA01 - Sales Order type RE).

The steps are as follows :

1. Create a return request. (Using Sales Order in SD)

2. Create outbound delivery according to return request.

3. If the setting is correct in the outbound delivery screen SAP will automatically switch post goods issue button into post goods receipt. The setting is in sales order item category and delivery type.

4. In the standard system the movement type used is 651.

5. After post goods issues receipt is done using outbound delivery, the quantity is placed in blocked stock without value updating.

6. You will then decide if the return quantity are indeed bad stock or not.

7. Transfer Posting from block stock to unrestricted stock (mvt type 453), this will have accounting effect (Debit Inventory, Credit COGS)

8. Goods Issue to scrap account how to create new titles which can be used in creating the "address" view on the Vendor master.{T-Code: XK01}

In config go to Basis Components --> basis services --> Address Management --> Maintain title texts

Taxation Explain with an example

Taxation Explain with an example

I'm assuming that, the country is India and based on its requirement:

Sales tax is a state government revenue. There are two types of sales taxes, Local sales tax & central sales tax. Local sales tax is intra state whereas CST is inter state.

Example of LST : Point of sale i.e. delivering plant & ship to party are within the same state. The rates are defined by the respective state governments.

Example of CST : The Delivering plant & Ship to party geographic locations are 2 different states. At the point of sales from one state, the ST goes to that state govt. & consignment is despatched to the Ship to party. Once that consignment is received at the ship to party state, sales tax will be levied once the sales is registered there. For this case, the LST that is applicable by the Ship to party further will not be applicable in all probability to be captured in SAP.

Stock transfer : This does not attract any sales tax. The consignment is transferred from one D plant to another D plant irrespective of inter/intra state sales. The invoice that is accompanied with the consignment thus shall not have any final value. It's a zero value invoice, but the basic prices needed to be mentioned.

The selling organisations normally needs to register with the sales tax authority of the respective state to have a warehouse or D plant to avoid the double taxation for their dealers/distributors.

Now, the pricing procedure that is there in 4.7 is Factory sale with formula-JFACT, in which the CST condition type is JIN1 & the LST is probably JIN2. There may be surcharge cond types as well which will calculate the amount on either JIN1 or JIN2.

For config :

1.SPRO > S&D > Basic fn. > Pricing > Pricing control > Define & assign Pric. procedure > Maintain Pric proc.

2. The tax rates are normally driven from the Tax classification of Customer & Material access. To do this config, S&D >Basic fn. > Taxes. You need to include the condition type for country IN in 'Define tax determin rule'.

3. Same path : But go to Tax relevancy of master records where you configure the condition type & options of rates that will flow to these masters. One needs to understand here properly as u need to have unique combinations for picking the sales tax rates. I will try to demonstrate the smallest example. Let's say, the LST rates are 2%,4% & 0%. I will have two options for material master here. 1 for taxable & 2 for not taxable.

For customer master, I will have 1-LST 2%, 2-LST4% & 3-LST0%. When I create master records for LST thru VK11 for JIN2, I will chose the access where the combinations of customer & material tax classifications are available. If this access does not exist create it under an access sequence. But normally this is standard. The condition records will look like,
Cust-Tax classi. Material tax claasi. Rate Tax code

1 1 2% A1
2 1 4% A1
3 1 0% A1

Remember, rates are flown from the tax codes. Tax codes can be created thru T code FTXP. This is normally a FI job

Define Tax Determination Rules

You specify the valid tax types in transaction OVK1. More than one tax type can be defined for a country by defining the sequence.

The SAP System determines the taxes automatically within pricing.

In the standard SAP R/3 System, the elements of tax calculation are predefined (for example, tax condition type "MWST" for taxes on sales and purchases).

Assign the plant for Tax Determination in OX10, using the country key, the SAP System recognizes which tax type is valid for a plant and thus which taxes are relevant when creating an SD document.

Define the Customer Taxes in OVK3, you will maintain the tax code in Customer Master.

Define the Material Taxes in OVK4, which will then be maintain in Material Master.

For example :-
MWST GST 0 Tax Exempt
MWST GST 1 Liable for Taxes

Now, you define the Tax Determination in VK12.

VK12 - Domestic Taxes/Export Taxes

Condition Type MWST

Customer Taxes Material Taxes Rate Taxes
0 0 0 %
0 1 0 %
1 0 0 %
1 1 9 %

In this example, if both the Customer Master and Material Master Tax code is 1, Tax will be included when you create the Sales Order.

Tax Code in Customer Master / Sales Order

How can we maintain the Tax Code (Tax code - which we maintain in MWST Condtion Records) in Customer Master or in Sales Order?

There are few points which I would like to remind you:

1) MWST is a tax condition which is applied to customer to whom we are selling. The rate of tax is depend on various parameteres, whether is fully liable for tax or expemted (in case of Defence Customer)

2) There are few parameteres which we apply tax condition. Whether customer is tax liable? Whether material is tax exempted?

For example, if you are selling a goods which are free for tax to any customer, put the Tax Indicator (at MMR as '0'). If your
material is tax liable pur the Tax Indicator (at MMR as 1). If your customer is not liable for tax at all (like the case of Indian
Defence organisations) put the Tax Indicator (at CMR as 0) or 1 in case fully tax liable.

3) Now, at VK11 you need to mainatain your pricning conditions with all the combinations like:

1 0
1 1
0 1
0 0

4) While maintaining your Material Master Records or Cusotmer Master Records, you must identify, which are tax liable and which are tax exempeted.

5) In anycase, as a SAP standard Best Practises, while processing a sales order, you must retrieve a Tax condition record from SAP database only and not entered Manually. Accordingly, at V/06, the MWST condition Defintions, the field for 'Manual Entries', it would be marked as - D (Not possible to process Manually).

Due to this setting, normally, you cannot maintain Condition tax code during sales order processing. And in Cusotmer Master, you can only maintain Tax Indicator and not Tax Code.

6) In case your client insists for Manual entry of Tax code during Sales Order processing, you can change the field at point 5) above to C-Manual entry is priority instead of D.

How to do rebate processing

How to do rebate processing

Rebates Processs in SAP is divided into three components

1) Configuring Rebates
2) Setting Up Rebates
3) Managing rebate agreeeements and payments

Pre-requsiistes- Check the following:

1.The payer partner needs toi have the rebate field checked in the customer master on the sales area-billing doc tab.
2.The Billing type must be marked as relevant for rebates.
3.The Sales Organisation must be marked as relevant for rebates.

Condition Technique :

Rebates, use the condition technique, but distinguish themselves from pricing in applying to transactions over time, versus on a transaction basis. Rebates have their wn field catalog and their own condition table naming convention.So you could have two condition table "001" one for pricing and one for rebates, which could have different key fields. You need to use the technical names A001 For pricing and KOTe001 for rebates when you use the query type using transaction SE 16..

Use create access sequence (AS). Enter 1 in field category for rebate specific. AS after going thru the right path of maintaining access sequence for rebates.

The big difference between the rebate and the pricing access sequence is that there is no exclsuion flag available for rebate related AS. This means multiple tables for an access sequence can be aplied at the same time.

Rebate related condition types are identified by codnition class -C.

After defining and creating condition types for rebated include them in the pricing proceedure. The requirement should be 24 here which implies that the accruals are calculated on the basis of invoice/bill.

The other fields- alctyp and altcbv does not allow you to manipulate how a rebate is calculated. Also, remove the requiremnt 24, if u want to see reabtes at order time.

Now payment of rebates:

Payments can be maunal or in full settlement. When you do manual payments, it defines how much can be paid out during a partial settlemetn. You use partial settlement only when rebate agreement is defined for a full year but the paoyouts are supposed to happen on a monthly, quarterly or anyother specified period.

These accurals are based on sales volume and when they are posted billing is created int eh follwoing manner. Provision for accruals is debited and Sales revenue is credited. When rebate credit memo is created
Customer account/ is debited and
Accrual provision account is credited.

Also, please note that when rebates are created without dependent ona material but on customer/material you need to refer to a material for settlement.

What exactly do you wish to know in Rebates? The total outline of the Rebate process or each and every step in the SAP system?

First of all rebates are more or less discounts which are offered to customers. The rebates are based on the volume of the business the customer does with you within a specified time. for eg if the customer agrees for Rs.1 Crore worth of business with u in 1 year, then you activate your rebate porocess. if at the end of the year the customer DOES achieve the target u offer him say 2/3/4 % whatever is decided. The rebates are passed on to the customer in the form of Credit notes.

The rebate can be given to the customer at one time or in installments also.

This is broadly the outline of the rebate process.

Note : I recomend you to study the theory part of why rebate and why not a discount.
This will help you understand better.

May be I can help you with rebate process.(IN -IMG)

1. define a rebate agreement type
2. define a condition type group
3. define a condition type and place this condition
Type in the pricing procedure.(REQUIREMENT=24)

Once you have defined all the 3 and assignment starts.

Assign the agreement type to the condition type group
Assign the cond type group to the condition type.

Condition technique is also used in rebates.


After having done this please proceed to maintain the condition record for the rebates (transaction code-vbo1)

Note: if you maintain the requirement coloumn with the requirement as 24 - the rebate will be affected in the billing document and if you dont give the requirement as 24 your rebate will be affected in the sales order.

The rebate process is completed when you have created a credit memo to the customer.

The document type for the partial settlement is R3.

Please make sure you open two screens SO THAT YOU CAN COMPARE THE NEW ENTRIES WHAT EVER YOU'RE DEFINING WITH THAT OF THE STANDARDS or first you try with the standard condition type boo1, boo2
boo3 boo4.


I hope this will be of any help to you.

In a simple way,

1. First you need to create a Rebate agreement.

2. Create condition record for rebate giving the rebate rate and accrual rate.

3. when the rebate relevent billing doc is generated, the rebate and accruals are determined and posted in a seperate GL account as a noted item - amount to be settled. Also it gets copied in the rebate agreement.

4. create settlement run using credit memo request and then credit memo to settle this amount with the customer.

Rebate Process with Ref. to SO

Rebate Process with Ref. to SalesOrder

If I need to make a rebate for a customer what is the process involved.

I am providing some info on rebates which I know.

Rebate agreemnts is based on agreement types.Conditon records which are created like B001 and B002 are linked to the rebate agreeements specifying the rebate rate + the accrual rates.condition records specify the rebate rate and the accrual rates.

Consider an example..

You decided to give a rebate of 3% to a customer whose sales vol is $1000 for a particular SO
Then the rebate value is $30..

Now when you make the rebate settlement by doiing the Credit memo and you decide to pay $27, then the accounting will be generated saying 27$ paid towards rebate and 3$ is the accrual which you owe to the customer


Rebate agreement: Transaction code: VB01
When you go to VB01, choose agreement type 0002 and then in conditions give
Material rebate
1 20
20 30

Now create a sales order with a material say M-11 for SOrg 1000 12 00 with QTY 6

Now check VB03 and see rebate agreemtent it will say Accruals 120 and payments 0
since your rebate is not settled still.

Rebate setllement

Go to VB02 enter ur sales deal no, and change the agreemetn status to B then enter Shift+F12 and enter the amount to be paid for example u say $80

Then check in rebate payments rebate doc and partial setllemetn since you have not paid in full.

View the credit memo request
Remove the Billing bloock Go to VA01 and put order type G2 ,,,go to create with ref and enter ur Sales order no,,,save the doc now...

Then go to VF01 and enter the credit memo reqst no generated...save the doc no and go to VF02 and say release to accounting

Now the final settlement will be this way

Accrual reversed:80
Rebate pay:80
Amount payable:40

So the balance 40 is still the accrual

This is an example how a rebate will be processed with ref to a SO with an example.

How to do a rebate agreement for a specific customers with settings details?

1. Create a condition by copying a a standard condition like BO03 in V/06

2. Assign this condition in the std pricing procedure with acct key as ERB and accural key as ERU - V/08

3.Create a Rebate Agreement in VBO1 (It is O = Owl and not zero). No will be generated
choose 003 - Customer rebates, enter the customer code, the validity and check for the status shld be in Open, click on the conditions enter the percentage and accrual amount. You also can have scales in this. Also you need to maintain the material for the settlement

4. Create a sales order for that customer and check the rebate agreement.

5. You can see the rebate condition in the invoice only.

6. Once you have posted the invoices, then go to rebate agrrement no. clicl on verficayion and it will show the order details.

7. For settlement change the status of the rebate to B - release for the settlement.

8. Credit memo request will b generated copy the no. and go to VA02, remove the blocks if any and create an invoice (credit memo).this will show u the accrual amount.

9. In both the invoice and the credit memo check the posting - accounting document it will show u the accrual as negative.

10. Again go to rebate aggreement and check the status it will show you D - Final settlement of agreement already carried out

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Sales and Distribution - Transfer of Requirements

The MRP department is informed about the quantities and deadlines by which incoming orders should be delivered. The system checks the availability of the goods based on the requested delivery date of the customer and creates MRP records which contain all necessary information for passing on to planning. It ensures that the goods are available in time for the delivery. Materials planning transfers the reported requirements and creates orders or purchase requisitions from them etc.

For controlling transfer of requirements, you have to carry out the following steps:

1. Each requirement type has to be allocated to one requirement class only.

2. The transfer of requirements must be switched on at requirements class level, the sales documents at schedule line level.

3. You must define a check group. It is possible to have this check group proposed for the initial creation of a material master record.

4. Note that a plant must exist for transfer of requirements to be carried out at document item level.

OVZG - Requirement class

It specifies the following points:

- whether an availability check and a transfer of requirements is carried out for a transaction (for sales documents, fine tuning using the schedule line category is possible),

- whether the requirements are relevant for MRP,

- the allocation indicator from the sales view which controls the settlement of customer requirements with requirements

- whether an item is to be settled to an auxiliary account assignment,

- the settlement profile,

- the results analysis key.

(Use transaction SM30 for V_* configuration)

OVZH - Requirements type

V_TVEPZ_V - Assignment of requirement type to Transaction

V_TVEP_V - Schedule line category

OVZ2 - Define Checking Group

V_TMVFU - Define the checking group that the system proposes when you create a new material master record. You can overwrite the default value for the checking group in the material master record.

Assign a Cost Center manually in a Sales Order (VBAK-KOSTL)

The Cost Center Determination settings is in OVF3 - but there are some cases where the Cost Center must be exceptionally changed.

If the document category for order type in IMG VOV8 is defined to be "I" which belong to order type FD - Deliv.Free of Charge, then the field cost center is active for input during transaction VA01.

Alternatively, you can specify an order reason and assign a cost center to an order reason.

However the standard SAP works only at the header level though, so it would not work if cost center is needed on the line item.

The cost center are assign for such business transactions as :

- Free deliveries
- Returns
- Deliveries of advertising materials

You can also make cost center allocation dependent on the order reason, for example:

Order reason: Damage in transit
Order reason: Free sample

Both the IMG settings are done in transaction OVF3, either with/without the order reason.

Define whether the Material can be used at which Sales and Distribution process

Here you define how the system responds when entering a sales and distribution document
with this material in the differenet Sales and Distribution Process Flow..

You can use the material status, for example, to prevent orders from being entered for
parts to be discontinued.


To temporary block the creation of Sales Order for a certain materials.

Set the material status parameters in transaction SM30, Table Views V_TVMS.

Click Maintain and double click into the Materials Status code.

You can set three types of reponse for each Sales and Distribution process :-

1. no dialog

2. warning when entering the document

3. error message (that is, the sales and distribution document cannot be entered on
the basis of the material status)

Auto proposed all the dates when creating Sales Order

How can I make the system auto create all the Sales Order date during creation?

Each Sales Order can have different date proposal settings.

Follows this step to set the default Sales Order Type proposal date:

- Goto VOV8, double click on sales order type.

- Look and tick the fields Propose delivery date and Propose PO date.

After making the necessary IMG changes, you need to input the Delivery Plant field for each Materials that you want the system to propose the default date.

To change the Materials field Delivery Plant:

Goto MM02, Select the View Sales: Sales Org. Data 1 and fill in the Delivery Plant.


Now, try creating a new sales order for the material and SAP will auto proposed all the dates in the sales order.

Default First Date is not Today

When end user created a new sales order with VA01, default First Date wasn't today, why?


1. Before today, default First Date was always today.
2. Nobody change system configuration.

Although you mention that nobody change the system configuration, it is very unlikely that the system will mis-behaved after one day.

Usually, after checking, you will find that someone have actually change the configuration as it could not be a software bug since you have been using it for quite sometime without any problems.

The date is control by each Sales Order Type for each Sales Document type whether is it a
- OR - Standard Order,
- RE - Returns etc.

Verify the Sales order type configuration with the following path:

IMG: Sales and Distribution --> Sales --> Sales Docs --> Sales Doc Hdr --> Define Sales Doc Types (transaction vov8) will let you control this by sales document type.

There is one field (Lead time in days) which "specify the number of days after the current date that the proposal for the requested delivery date in the sales document should be".

This should be blank if you want the system to propose current day for delivery date.

Duplicate customer purchase order

HOw to make Duplicate customer purchase order

If you are facing a problem with duplicate customer purchase order as your company does not allowed a same customer purchase order with the same sales order type.

You can activated the check for duplicate purchase order with "VOV8".

In the General Control Section, look for the field Check Purchase Order No and put in "A".

Sunday, August 26, 2007

SAP SD Transaction codes List

I found a way to know hidden customizing Tcodes.

Before executing customizing task you desire, point it and go to Edit-Display IMG Activity. Then mark activity.

Go to T.Code se16 and type in CUS_IMGACH table.
Paste IMG Activity and run.
You will see Tcode that belongs to IMG Activity.

The most frequently used transaction codes are as follows:

1. VS00 - Master data
2. VC00 - Sales Support
3. VA00 - Sales
4. VL00 - Shipping
5. VT00 - Transportation
6. VF00 - Billing

Others as follows:

At Configuration:

1. VOV8 - Define Sales documents type (header)
2. OVAZ - Assigning Sales area to sales documents type
3. OVAU - Order reasons
4. VOV4 - Assign Item categoreies(Item cat determination)
5. VOV6 - Scedule line categories
6. OVAL - To assign blocks to relevant sales documents type
7. OVLK - Define delivery types
8. V/06 - Pricing
9. V/08 - Maintain pricing procedure
10.OVKP - Pricing proc determination
11.V/07 - Access sequence


1. Customer Master Creation-VD01 and XD01 (for full inclu company code)
VD02 - Change Customer
VD03 - Display Customer
VD04 - Customer Account Changes
VD06 - Flag for Deletion Customer
XD01 - Create Customer
XD02 - Modify Customer
XD03 - Display Customer

2. Create Other material ----MM00
3. VB11- To create material determination condition record
4. CO09- Material availability Overview
5. VL01 - Create outbound delivery with ref sales order
6. VL04 - Collective processing of delivery
7. VA11 - Create Inquiry
VA12 - Change Inquiry
VA13 - Display Inquiry

Sales & Distribution
Sales order / Quote / Sched Agreement / Contract

· VA01 - Create Order
· VA02 - Change Order
· VA03 - Display Order
· VA02 - Sales order change
· VA05 - List of sales orders
· VA32 - Scheduling agreement change
· VA42 - Contract change
· VA21 - Create Quotation
· VA22 - Change Quotation
· VA23 - Display Quotation


· VF02 - Change billing document
· VF11 - Cancel Billing document
· VF04 - Billing due list
· FBL5N - Display Customer invoices by line
· FBL1N - Display Vendor invoices by line


· VL02N - Change delivery document
· VL04 - Delivery due list
· VKM5 - List of deliveries
· VL06G - List of outbound deliveries for goods issue
· VL06P - List of outbound deliveries for picking
· VL09 - Cancel goods issue
· VT02N - Change shipment
· VT70 - Output for shipments


· VKM3, VKM4 - List of sales documents
· VKM1 - List of blocked SD documents
· VD52 - Material Determination

Thursday, August 2, 2007

SD Questions on Corporate Structure

Q.In R/3 you can represent a company's structure by defining and assigning corporate structure elements. What is the purpose of doing that?

Enterprise organization diagram. Chart showing the organizational structure of an enterprise, its organization units and how they are related. A combined structure can be created from the point of view of accounting, MM, SD. This structure forms a framework in which all business transactions can be processed.

Q.Which three organizational elements make up a sales area and briefly explain their function?

Sales organization: An organizational unit that sells and distributes products, negotiates terms of sale, and is responsible for these transactions.

Distribution channel: Channel through which salable materials or services reach customers. Typical distribution channels include wholesale, retail and direct sales. You can assign a distribution channel to one or more sales organizations.

Division: Product groups can be defined for a wide-ranging spectrum of products. For every division you can make customer-specific agreements on, for example, partial deliveries, pricing and terms of payment. Within a division you can carry out statistical analyses or set up separate marketing.

Q.Name the three internal organizational elements within a sales organization and briefly explain their function.

Sales Office. Geographical aspects of the organization in business development and sales are defined using the term sales office. A sales office can be considered as a subsidiary.

Sales offices are assigned to sales areas. If you enter a sales order for a sales office within a certain sales area, the sales office must be assigned to that area.

Sales Group. The staff of a sales office may be subdivided into sales groups. For example, sales groups can be defined for individual divisions.

Salespersons. Individual personnel master records are used to manage data about salespersons. You can assign a sales person to a sales group in the personnel master record.

Q.What does the term "business area" refer to and how can it be used?

Business Area. The system posts costs and revenue according to the business area. The business area can be equivalent to the:
- sales area (if the accounts are to be posted according to sales)
- plant/division (if the accounts are to be posted according to products)

The business area is defined in Customizing for Sales.

o Business area. A unit in an enterprise, grouping product and market combinations as homogeneously as possible for the purpose of developing unified business policy.

o Financial Accounting (FI). A business area is an organizational unit within financial accounting which represents a separate area of operations or responsibilities within an organization. Financial accounting transactions can be allocated to a specific business area.

Q.Briefly explain the relationship between sales organizations and company codes.

Many to One.

Q.What is the central organizational element in purchasing?

Purchasing Organization.

Q.Explain the relationship between sales organizations and plants.

Many to Many.

Q.Explain the relationship between sales organizations, plants and company codes.

Many to Many to One.

Q.Can one business area be assigned to several company codes? Which (sub) module of SAP could make business areas obsolete?

Yes in CO .

Q.What is a credit control area? What relationship exists between credit control areas and company codes?

Credit control area. Organizational unit in an organization that specifies and checks credit limits for customers. A credit control area can include one or more company codes. It is not possible to assign a company code to more than one credit control areas.

Q.Which organizational element is central in shipping? Give a definition of it.

Shipping Point: Organizational unit at a fixed location that carries out shipping activities. A shipping point could, for example, be a company's mail department or a plant's rail depot. Each delivery is processed by only one shipping point.

Q.Give a definition of plant (in SAP).

Organizational unit within Logistics, serving to subdivide an enterprise according to production, procurement, maintenance, and materials planning aspects.

A plant is a place where either materials are produced or goods and services provided.

Classification: Business object

Structure: A plant can assume a variety of roles:

As a maintenance plant, it includes the maintenance objects that are spatially located within this plant. The maintenance tasks that are to be performed are specified within a maintenance planning plant.

As a retail or wholesale site, it makes merchandise available for distribution and sale.

As a rule, the plant is the organizational unit for material valuation.

The preferred shipping point for a plant is defined as the default shipping point, which depends on the shipping condition and the loading condition.

For the placement of materials in storage (stock put-away), a storage location is assigned to a plant. The storage location depends on the storage condition and the stock placement situation.

The business area that is responsible for a valuation area is determined as a function of the division. As a rule, a valuation area corresponds to a plant.

Q.Can you assign two different sales organization to the same company code?


Q.To what do you assign distribution channels and divisions?

Sales Organizations.

Q.What are the highest organizational units in SD, MM.PP,FI,CO?

SD: Sales Organizations.
M: Plant
PP: Plant
FI: Company Code
CO: Controlling Area

Q.Can you further subdivide a plant? If yes into what?

A plant can be subdivided into storage locations, allowing stocks of materials to be broken down according to predefined criteria (e.g., location and materials planning aspects).

A plant can be subdivided into locations and operational areas. Subdivision into locations takes geographical criteria into account, whereas subdivision into operational areas reflects responsibilities for production.

Q.Can a sales organization sell from a plant belonging to a different company code?


Q.How many shipping points can you assign to a plant?


Q.How many shipping points can you assign to a sales organization?


Q.If you have a warehouse management system active, to what would you assign the warehouse number?

Plant & Storage Location.

SD Questions

1. How can we know whether the customer is one-time or regular?

One can maintain Account Group for One-time customers. By which we can identify one-time customers.

2. What happens when you do not enter a value for a manual and mandatory condition type?

The pricing procedure will reject the conditions in the sales order

3. Do header condition type have an access sequence?


4. Org structure:
Relation between Company - Sales org

Sales Org - Plants & company vs. Plants

Many to Many& One to Many

Company - sales org - credit control area

One TO Many TO One

5. What are legacy systems?

The Existing system on which current system is working, from which the current system will be migrated to SAP system

6. What is cut over strategy?

Cutover strategy depends upon how the organizations design their data load strategies. Normally, you decide the sequence of Data loads for Configuration settings, Master data, Transaction data which follows whom and then you make a copy of the system as a Production system a day before and after checking the successful data loads, you go-live 100% or partial again depending upon organizational setup and policies.

Cutover planning is highly site specific. There's no thumb rule. The stock data as on the date of going live should be correctly entered. But stock being a highly dynamic quantity, the strategy for loading should be crystal clear. Then you have to load all the back dated transaction on the stock. Some stock comes into your plant/storage location as return and some stock is actually delivered to your customer through sales orders of various kinds.

7. What are Cumulative Condition Records?

There is a field:- "condition update" during configuration for a condition type (at v/06)... has it anything to do with cumulative condn. Records?

8. IF you have 3 different access sequences for one condition record then in a pricing procedure in what hierarchy will you maintain the three accesses?

In Condition Records (T Code VK11), you would be putting values to corresponding Condition Types. Now one Condition Type can be assigned to one access sequence. In Access Sequence, you can assign whichever tables and fields are required.
So in my opinion, you cannot have one condition record for 3 access sequences.

9. What happens in the access sequence when you put all the ticks in the exclusive field?

When you put tick in exclusive field of all access sequences, in my opinion, it will try to get available data from the first. Only in case, data is not available, will it move on to the next one.

10. What is meant by delivery group?

Delivery Group is basically grouping all individual deliveries for Billing. It should have the same Ship to Party, Shipping Point, etc.

11. What triggers the automatic creation of PR or PO in case of third party sales?

In item category we can set "automatic PO" so that PO and PR will automatically generate after saving the order.

You never change the item category configuration to "automatic PO". It is the schedule line category type which triggers the automatic PR creation.

12. What are the steps that are required to include sales person as a partner function in the partner determination?

Partner function sales represenative or person responsible these two we can add through partner funtion in partner procedure.

13. What is z transaction?

We copied standard TC or object and rename it by Z its basically stnd name which will start from Z (User defined)

14. Can you create sales order for 40 items if the quotation is sent for 30 items?


15. What is the importance of requirment field in access sequence?

System will not go to asscess condition type system will reply through formula.

16. What makes the immediate delivery in cash sales?

Order type immediate delivery switch on.

17.What are sales area and its components?

Sales area consists of Sales Organisation, Distribution Channel and Division.
