Wednesday, June 20, 2007
A.The Change Request is that request when you do some thing new in customizing or configuration in the system. The system will automatically pop with the change request pop box , when you can give request name as defined by the system or can give your own request name with heading of what changes you have made while customization. The system will generate a request number and you save it. (e.g.:- VEDK-2785467) VEDK- means the Clients System name then followed by the system generated request number.
Now when you want to release the request you have to use the T-code SE10 where you can see the requests under the heading modifiable or released. Go to the modifiable option. Each request will have again an internal request number. First you have to release the internal request and then release the external request number. This will in turn released by the basis guys thru the T-code SM64 in a group when all the requests are pooled from different users.
The task which you have mentioned in your question is nothing but the what task you have performed while customizing the client system and the heading name which have given it for that task and generated a request for that task.
Q. What is your client Number in the project? Like how we have 800 for IDES?
A. Generally like IDES client, when you are in the project, the client is also given a number called client number. So while implementing a project The entire implementation is done under phases and in different Client no Servers.
e.g.:-take a company called ABC which is implementing SAP.
So the Client is given a number in the following manner by the SAP Implementers at the site
291- Sand Box server (Initial Testing scenarios Server)
292- Development Sever (With client data of minimum 15 days transactions)
294- Testing Server (the scenarios developed in development server is tested here)
295- Golden Master Server (Quality cum Testing Server) - checked finally before transferring to production server
296- Production Server (where the clients live data is stored and daily business transactions are done)
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
All about SD
For example, you may record a customer’s telephone inquiry in the system. The customer next requests a quotation, which you then create by referring to the inquiry.
The customer later places an order on the basis of the quotation and you create a sales order with reference to the quotation.
You ship the goods and bill the customer. After delivery of the goods, the customer claims credit for some damaged goods and you create a free-of-charge delivery with reference to the sales order.
The entire chain of documents – the inquiry, the quotation, the sales order, the delivery, the invoice, and the subsequent delivery free of charge – creates a document flow or history.
The flow of data from one document into another reduces manual activity and makes problem resolution easier.
The following graphic shows how the various types of sales documents are inter-related and how data subsequently flows into shipping and billing documents.
Master Data
Q: Some materials have been blocked for procurement and production. Even though deletion flag is set for a material/plant level, the order can be still entered ( with a warning message). Is there a way to block such transactions for a material flagged for deletion?
A: Sales Status field in the sales organization view of the material master may be used to block any transaction for the material.
Q: We can define our own exchange rate types and use them instead of the defaulted types, 'M', 'B' and 'G'. How can we overwrite default types in SD?
A: Exchange rate gets copied from the customer master record. Exchange rate types are to be maintained for the customer in the sales screen of the customer master record.
Q: The PL00 condition is fine in delivery. But when we try to print to either the screen or printer, an error V1032 occurs. Why?
A: In order to use the Packing list PL00 (packing slip in delivery) you must do 'Packing' in the delivery note (edit->packing)
Q: we have to enter a shipping point while creating a delivery. Is it possible to create delivery without shipping points?
A: When you are releasing a sales order, choose Sales document -> Subsequent functions-> Create delivery, then the shipping point will be brought in from the sales order. In all other scenarios you have to key in the shipping point. The above described scenario will only work if all items on the sales order are to be shipped from the same shipping point.
Q: SAP allows a non-inventory item and an inventory item to be in the same document till delivery but splits at the time of creation of billing document. Can we combine a non-inventory item with an inventory item in one invoice? Can we treat it as a value item in sales order so that it is priced and then make it as a text item in delivery documents so that it appears in the same invoice and does not split?
A1: Make the non-stock material deliverable, but not pickable. Both items will carry into the delivery, and therefore appear on the same invoice.
A2: Change the copy rule for orders->invoices and deliveries->invoices to specify that invoice combination is permitted. However note that for system to create combined invoices, PO number, payment terms, sales organization, and distribution channel must be identical. Else undesirable combinations may be created by the system.
Pricing Conditions
Q: It is impossible to price at the material level (matnr) , when a material has a pricing reference (mvke-pmatn) set up against it in the master data. Pricing always look for the pref, even if a price is set up against the material and not the pref. How can we price by material and pref?
A: The field used to look up at the price is defined in Access sequence. You may find a step with PMATN as material number. If you insert a step with MATNR then the system will first look for the material, if not found (use the exclusion tick box) it will look for the pref.
Q: We generated a new condition table. Assigned the condition to access sequence. Created a condition record. Access sequence is assigned to the output type. But when we create a billing document, output screen comes up blank for the output type. When we look up Determination Analysis, we get an error "Note 524 Access not made (Initialized Field)". What else is required to be done?
A: Assign output determination procedure to the header of the document and the output type.
Q: How can we set up to have the VAT# be accepted in the Ship-To Master File Data Control screen?
A: IMG->Fin. Acct.->AR and AP ->Customer acct->Master Record -> Prepare to Create Customer-> Define Acct. Group.
Q: We want to explode Bill of Material automatically at time of Order entry and explode an Equipment BOM in the sales order. What are the setting required?
A: Use an item category that is configured for bills of material for having a sales BOM to explode automatically.Standard SAP item categories are :
TAQ - Pricing and inventory control take place at the BOM header level
TAP - Pricing and inventory control take place at the BOM item level
These can be automatically derived using the item category groups ERLA and LUMF, respectively.
Q: How can we make the Customer Group 1 (or 2, 3, 4, 5) a mandatory field?
A: Logistic General-> Logistics Basic Data: Business Partners -> Customers -> Control -> Define account groups and field selection for customer
Choose Customer Acct. GR. (double-click). -> Field Status: Sales data (double click) -> sales (double click) .Check the radio button against Customer Gr as REQ. ENTRY. Save the settings to make customer GR entry mandatory
Q: Is there an user exit to copy the data into planning table?
A: Use user exit MCP20001 and include ZXSOPU01.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Sales & Distribution
SD-MD Master data
SD-BF Basic funtions subdivided into multiple components,
such as pricing, output, and so on
SD-SLS Sales
SD-SHP Shipping
SD-TBA Transportation
SD-FTT Foreign trade
SD-BIL Billing
SD-CAS Sales support
SD-EDI Electronic data interchange
SD-IS Information systems
Sales and Distribution helps to optimize all the tasks and activities carried out in sales, delivery and billing.The sales documents you create are individual documents but they can also form part of a chain of inter-related documents. .
For example, you may record a customerĂ¢€™s telephone inquiry in the system. The customer next requests a quotation, which you then create by referring to the inquiry. The customer later places an order on the basis of the quotation and you create a sales order with reference to the quotation. You ship the goods and bill the customer. After delivery of the goods, the customer claims credit for some damaged goods and you create a free-of-charge delivery with reference to the sales order